August 5, 2023

 Saturday - Hot and sunny

I didn’t wake up early today. Hurray. I stayed in bed until 11:00 something, but I did get up earlier and turned on the AC as it was already 31 degrees in our room at 9:30 am. Ack. 

I got up and got dressed. F and I talked about where to go for lunch. It took a while to decide and think of options. Anyway, after a while we decided to go to Nagomi and have Japanese food. We drove over there and were the only customers for a while. We each had a lunch set, I had the cold udon with a mini tempura-don and F had cold udon too with keisen-don. He liked it too. 

After our lunch we went over to Musashi and bought a new plant pot and some soil for my avocado plant. The poor thing has been growing in the jar of water for months. It’s time to give it a new home. I went over to the other part of the hardware store and picked up some deodorant beads for the toilet room and also some paper towels. Yay me.

We went to Starbucks next and had a nice drink. F had a frappucino and I had a tea latte. Mine was lovely, but hot!  While we were there and finished our drinks, one waiter came around and gave us a sample of a peach frappucino that was lovely. It was very sweet though. 

We went back to the house via a grocery store to get K a bento for her dinner. I picked that up for her and then we came back to the house. 

I went up to the room and it was already 36 degrees in our room. Ack. I turned the AC back on, left the room for a couple of minutes and then came back up again. I ended up taking off my outer clothes and after a bit I had a little nap. 

We were supposed to go and see a movie tonight but F begged off. I wasn’t too pleased as I also hoped to do a little shopping before the movie, but we’ll hopefully try another day. Today was Sakata’s fireworks so the roads might have been quite busy anyway.

Around 6:30 we started to talk about dinner and F wanted me to pick the place again. I finally suggested going for yakiniku and F talked about a couple of places. We decided to try our favourite, Togashi. I asked him to phone and check it out, and we could get in soon, so we drove over.

We had a good meal at Togashi tonight. We had an assortment plate, plus we added on a little bit of other stuff. The service was a bit odd this time though. We had to ask to have a spoon brought to us so that we could divvy up the soup between our bowls, and we had to ask for scissors to cut up the sausages. Little things, but strange!

After dinner we paid and left. On the way back to the house we started talking about breakfast and I asked F if he had stuff to make for his mother. He wanted to stop and get some food, so we drove over to Mina and then he made me go in the store!

I got him some treats, and the things he asked for and then came back to the car. We came back to the house and put away the groceries. We brought our stuff upstairs and I turned on the AC again. Oh man it was hot again upstairs. The next couple of weeks will be horrible weather-wise.

We had a quiet evening in. I watched some YouTube and then at 11 I watched CSI: Las Vegas again and enjoyed this one. It was rather good. 

And that’s about it for my day. After midnight I turned off the TV and turned on my YouTube feed!

I’m not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow. A lot depends on how F is feeling again. Hopefully I’ll be able to repot my plant and after that, I’m not sure!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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