August 4, 2023

Friday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up early this morning to watch the BBC news segment. F was getting up around then too. I had put his onigiri in the fridge last night, so I got it out and I put K’s onigiri on the table for her too. 

I came back upstairs, watched the news and then went back to sleep. I didn’t turn off the TV as I wanted to record a movie this morning too.

F went off to his physiotherapy and I slept for a little longer. I did get up early for me and did a load of laundry. F came back after I brought it back upstairs to hang. He wanted to go out right away to have lunch, but I told him I couldn’t until I finished hanging up my clothes. Obviously!

When I finished we left and went over to F’s fish restaurant. The weekly special was the same as last week so F had it and I didn’t. I had the tuna cheek set meal. It was good, but I had asked for salt flavour but the fish was salty. It was way too salty for me. 

After we finished our meal, we went back to the house. Well, almost. We got back to the house and then F realized he needed more money so we went to the closest grocery store. F went in and I stayed in the car. Yay!

We went back to the house and we got the house ready for our visitor. I got some glasses ready and helped close the doors so we could run the AC. At 2pm the Insurance guy showed up. I put out iced coffee for us all and then we got down to business. He explained about the travel insurance, what it covered and what it didn’t. F helped with translations and it sounds quite good. He’ll come back on Monday with some forms for us to fill out. 

F and I came upstairs and had a bit of a rest. He’d made himself another massage appointment for 4:15, so we didn’t have that long. We got ready to leave at 3:45 and F let me out at S-Mall. I did a little shopping around and checking out of things. I didn’t get that much if I’m honest.  

I went to Doutor after my walk around. I had a glass of iced rooibos tea and read some of a book on my phone. F called a bit later and he joined me. I grabbed us more drinks and we relaxed for a bit. 

We had to leave as it was getting close to dinner time, so we left Doutor and checked out the grocery store. 3 hours earlier they had some bentos left, but at 6:30 they didn’t have any at all. We decided to leave and go to another grocery store. We drove halfway across town and…they hardly had anything left either! However, I did see some Hiyashi Chukka in a fridge, so we got that, and picked up a couple of other side dishes. 

We came back to the house and were going to set up on the table when we realized that K was eating other stuff from the fridge. She said that she didn’t need anymore food, but F still gave her the Hiyashi Chukka. 

F and I brought the other food upstairs and we had a little feast upstairs. It was really nice and quite low stress as well. Hurray for that. 

I had a quiet evening. I relaxed for a while, I watched an episode of The Walking Dead. It was an interesting one which brought up a few things that will probably lead to things happening soon. Neegan is loose which is making me say hmm as well. 

I took a shower a bit after 10 and then when I finished, I came back upstairs and watched the last episode of the season of The Big Door Prize. That was quite good. I’m looking forward to a second season if there is one. 

I turned off the TV a few minutes after midnight and then started blogging. And now…here you are!

I don’t know what we’ll get up to tomorrow. We might go and see the Transformers movie in the evening, it depends how F is feeling and how hot the day is. I’d like to do a little shopping in the evening if I can, but I’m just not sure if F will be willing to take me to the mall early to do that. 

So, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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