August 7, 2023

Monday - Hot and Sunny with Thunderstorms in the Afternoon

I went to bed very late last night so I decided not to wake up early and watch the BBC news. I did wake up before 9 I think, I went downstairs and came back to bed. I went back to sleep and between changing my alarms and getting myself out of bed, I didn’t get up until the afternoon. Sigh.

I suggested to F that we go for lunch and also suggested a place near the main post office. I wanted to go to the post office to make a deposit and F wanted to go to pick up a parcel. I thought we should go to the post office first and then go to eat. We could always change the restaurant if the post office took a long time. F drove us to the restaurant first. Argh. Okay, we went in, and ordered. 

I found out when my food arrived that I didn’t order the special for myself, I ordered the one off the menu. I got F his rice and soup, he was surprised that I didn’t get myself any. I didn’t want it and I didn’t need it. I finished ages before F did because I had less food. Also F helped himself to more rice so he ate a lot today. 

I left before F did and told him I’d walk to the post office. It was less than a block away, so no big deal. I went in to the post office, filled out the deposit form and grabbed a number and left my coins and passbook with the clerk. It’s so weird that we leave the tellers alone with our money in Japan. In Canada when I was a bank teller, the customer watched what I did as a double security thing. 

I kept watch and I saw F bring the car around and park. He came into the post office and got his parcel at the mail section. He came over to where I was and sat next to me. That was sweet. The lady called me up a couple of minutes later and I got my coin holder and my passbook back. We left the post office and got in the car.

We came back to the house but did it the long way around. I’m not sure what F was thinking, but he has his own way of doing things!

We got back to the house before 2 pm and F told K that we were expecting a visitor at 2 so she scuttled off to her room. I prepared some glasses and ran upstairs to get the old brochures. Of course, while I was up there, the guy rang the doorbell. I was downstairs and welcomed him back into the living room. F arrived from the toilet and he and the guy started speaking. I brought in some drinks (pretending to be the dutiful Japanese wife) and we got down to business. Unfortunately, the guy had spelt my middle name wrong on all of my documents, but when I pointed it out he was fine about it. They weren’t the final-final documents. 

We decided that we would get the travel insurance for me and we’ll have to go to a conbini over the next couple of days to pay for it before we get the actual documents that I take with me. 

The guy left and I washed the glasses and cleaned up a couple of things in the kitchen. F went upstairs and I turned off the lights and the AC in the living room. K came out of her room a few minutes later. 

F and I went upstairs and relaxed. He had asked if I wanted to go out again, even offered to go to karaoke, but I didn’t want to go. I was wet again from being in the kitchen and just didn’t want to move from the air conditioner. Around 5 pm I went over to the bed and had a nap for a bit.

I went downstairs around 6 pm and got started on dinner. Today I just made a very simple dinner. I did the cucumber pickle that K likes, we had a salad from the store, and we also had retort-curry and rice for our main dish. It was due to expire next month, so I thought I should use it before I go away next month. F would never use it! 

The curry was fine. F came down on time and everyone ate and seemed to enjoy it. F didn’t feel well after dinner and ran off upstairs. 

I cleared the table and washed the dishes. I did wash a few other things around the sink too. When I finished the dishes I did up the plastic garbage as well. I said goodnight to K and then I went upstairs.

I watched The Walking Dead which was rather funny today as Neegan joined the Whisperers. They thought they killed him, but Neegan being Neegan didn’t die! After I finished that, I checked out Amazon Prime and found that there was a new season of The Great British Sewing Bee available. Woot! I watched the first episode tonight and it was lovely!

After that, I took a shower and came back upstairs. I watched a couple of videos on YouTube and relaxed. After a bit I got started on my blogging and other computer stuff. Now, here we are!

I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow, so please come back and find out! Until tomorrow….

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