August 8, 2023

 Tuesday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up early this morning so that I could watch the BBC news. I did that and then I turned off the TV. I checked out the middle news I usually watch and it wasn’t on today…baseball was instead.

F left for his physio and I went back to sleep for a while. I slept but did get up before he came back. I grabbed my breakfast and had that. I liked that. It was nice to have it again.

When F came back he made his mother something to eat and then we decided to go and try Kintaro Sushi for lunch. We had to pay for my trip insurance today too, so we could do that at the 7-11 across from the sushi place. 

We did have to wait a few minutes at Kintaro, but were in quite quickly. We had quite a few types of sushi and it was all very nice.  We paid and left.

We drove across the street to the conbini and F paid for my insurance for him. Yay him. We picked up drinks for us and also a little snack for K. Then, we came back to the house.

We came upstairs and relaxed for a while. I had completely forgotten that F had booked a massage for himself this afternoon, so when he asked if I still wanted to go out with him I was surprised! Of course I did. He took a shower, I got ready to leave and then he checked his reservation and discovered he’d got the time wrong. He didn’t have to leave yet!

When it was the right time, we went out. F dropped me off at S-Mall and I went in. I did a little shopping and got him a few things and me a few things too! I had an ice cream at Baskin Robbins and then went into Doutor to have an iced rooibos tea. F called a little later and when he arrived I bought him an iced coffee. 

I had suggested getting bentos for dinner, so we went over to our old grocery store and I went in and bought bentos. F did this weird thing again where he parked at the wrong door. He parked across from the bentos and also far away from the bank machine that he said he was going to use. I suggested that he drive over to the correct door before I went into the store. 

I did my shopping, grabbed three bentos, some more yogurt and some onigiri. I also found some chips that were made with the dadacha-mame flavour that is famous in Tsuruoka. I bought them, what can I say? I paid for everything and then went out the other door thinking that F would be waiting outside for me. He wasn’t. He was still in the old parking place. Sigh. I walked outside in the heat over to the car. I was a tad annoyed at him. 

We drove back to the house. He was listening to the women on his stupid app…she was wailing some song in English. I was not happy about that.

We got back to the house and I brought the stuff into the kitchen. F went into the cool living room and plunked himself down. K came into the living room and plunked herself down. I opened the kitchen up so that it could cool down a bit from the living room’s air conditioner and then I went upstairs to change. I was highly annoyed. Not only had F not helped me carry things into the house, but he wasn’t giving any sign that he would help with dinner either. 

I went upstairs to change and tried to calm myself down. It didn’t work. I got more and more angry. I went downstairs when I’d changed and they were both sitting in the living room waiting for someone to bring them their dinners. I was quite flabbergasted. Why couldn’t F get off his lazy butt and pop the bentos into the microwave, or get the drinks out or anything?

I started to heat up the bentos and did a lot of grumbling. I considered staying in the kitchen to eat my bento like a good servant, but decided that I really shouldn’t. K even showed up and apparently asked if she could help me. No, no you can’t. Get out of my way, that’s it. 

We finally ate and the bentos were okay. Of course I got to do the dishes afterwards. By the time I finished, K had gone to bed. I just closed up the kitchen again and went upstairs. I stayed upstairs and a while later F came up. I wasn’t really angry anymore, just a bit fed up. 

I watched Resident Alien at 11 pm and enjoyed it a lot. It was very funny tonight. I turned the TV over to my Fire Stick afterwards and put on some music which I didn’t listen to at all. 

Well, that’s it for me. I have no idea what we’ll do tomorrow. I really mean that. I have no idea. 

Come back later if you like and read all about my Wednesday. Until tomorrow….

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