August 9, 2023

Wednesday - Hot and sunny and humid

It quite possibly got up to 38°C today. All I know is that when I woke up first before 8 am, it was already 30 degrees in our room. I turned on the AC and didn’t care if it annoyed F either. 

I went downstairs and then came back to watch the news in English. When it finished, I went back to bed and fell asleep after a bit.

I slept a bit longer than I wanted to today but I didn’t mind too much! We had no plans. I got up and had my cereal and yogurt a bit late. I also made K some lunch today too as she was sitting up in the living room. I turned on the AC for her as well. It was 35 degrees in the room before I turned it on.

After a bit, F and I went out. He needed to go to City Hall, so I went off there with him. I didn’t go into City Hall, I just waited in the car and enjoyed the air conditioning! After that, I asked that we go to a post office so I could make a deposit and on the way, F realized that he needed to get an envelope there too. We went to our old post office, the one I used to go to when we lived in our apartment. It was nice to see one of the workers that I always saw there.

After we did that, we went to Komeda and had some iced coffee. I had decaf of course, F didn’t. While we were drinking, we realized that we were both quite hungry. F hadn’t had any lunch and I had only had cereal. We decided to go and have an early dinner nearby and also get K an order of take out when we were done. 

We went to Gusto and had an okay meal. It wasn’t perfect or anything, but it was okay. We shared a plate of fries and I had a hamburger with chicken, F had some kind of katsudon. He didn’t really like it today. The delivery robot today kept getting confused. It would stop on the way to tables and it said that things were in its way, when nothing was in its way. Crazy thing.

We came back to the house and gave K her bento. She was still up and using the AC so that was good. F gave her the bento and I gave her some barley tea. 

We left again after a few minutes. We went to a grocery store and I picked up a few things for tomorrow and for F. I didn’t get mad at F tonight as he waited outside the correct door!

We came back to the house and came upstairs. I watched some YouTube, finished the book I was reading on my phone and then I took a shower.  I also did the garbage up while I was there. I’d done our garbage upstairs earlier and even took it downstairs with me.

We’re in the stage of weather where the shower itself is nice, but when you get out of the shower, you can’t get dry. It’s too humid. Argh. I hate that feeling.

I came upstairs again and watched Grey’s Anatomy. It was mostly about the young interns, but there was a bit about the older doctors too. It’s different without Meredith appearing in each episode. Dare I say I like it more?  I don’t mind the voiceovers she does.

I turned off the TV at midnight and then got stuck into my computer. I’m trying to “fix” my portable hard disk drive. I haven’t been able to back up my computer lately so I either have to get a new hard disk drive or ….This one isn’t too old at all, so I’m a little surprised and upset that it isn’t working. 

The disk is about half done, so I think I may have to leave my computer on all night. Sigh. I don’t really want to do that, but not sure what choice I have.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. We have no plans for tomorrow. I’m hoping to do some laundry, but I’m not sure if F will want to whisk me off somewhere. I hope not as I’ll need new clothes soon.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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