August 10, 2023

Thursday - Hot and Sunny. Humid.

I woke up this morning and watched the news. I didn’t go downstairs first, I just watched it and went downstairs later. I turned on the AC too as it was already 31 degrees in our room. Argh. I got a little dressed and then went outside and took out the burnable garbage. F was having a bad morning and was in pain, so I decided to give him a break.

I went back to bed and tried to sleep. F was making a lot of noise in the room, so it took a while before I did sleep. I woke up rather later than I wanted to, but I did wake up. I even did a load of laundry. I washed some of my shirts and hung them up in our room to dry.

F had made his mother brunch or breakfast, I’m not sure which. We decided to go out for lunch and so I got dressed and off we went. F wanted to go for udon and I said no. I sort of feel when we choose udon and other noodles that I might as well just pour the sauce straight on my shirt to save time. I always spill things on my shirt and the sauce rarely comes out. It’s a bit greasy and that always just stays in the fabric. 

We tried to go to the place behind the PAL shopping area, but it was closed. We drove around aimlessly for a while…seriously, why does F ALWAYS go down roads that have no good restaurants on them when he could go down a major road with a lot of places to eat? Finally, I suggested going to Arpeggio and that’s where we ended up. It was around 2 pm and they close at 3 so we were okay time-wise. 

We had a nice meal at Arpeggio. We both had a soboro-don. We did discuss having coffee but didn’t. 

After lunch, we went to the Main Post Office. F wanted to send off an envelope, and I wanted to deposit more coins. Guess which one took longer. Yup, mine. 500 yen made it into my account, but the staff in the Main Post Office seem a little slow. They might have been working on something complicated I suppose, but they didn’t give the appearance of working. 

Anyway, off we went. We decided to go and have coffee so went to Komeda Coffee again. Today we both had Cafe Au Lait, in a big size. It was very nice. We had a pretty quiet time. I was reading, and F was doing whatever he usually does. We thought about getting nice bentos for dinner, but it was only 5 pm and I wasn’t hungry yet. I suggested going to the nearby hardware store and getting something to fix our bedroom door. F thought it was a good idea. We spent a bit of time in Homac, but F decided to go somewhere else. I was a tad tired and hot in the store, so wasn’t happy!

We went over to a hardware store near my old apartment and I let F go in by himself. He bought something and then came out and wanted to go to another place. He drove there but it was closed. We went to another hardware store nearby and went in. We did a bit of shopping there. It had a hundred yen shop in the store, so I got a few things for my trip. I picked up some travel toothpaste and a toothbrush case. Those are things I might need when I’m travelling.

From this hardware store, we went over to F’s favourite bento-selling grocery store. They were basically out of everything except noodles! The same ones we got last time we went there. We did buy them and a couple of other things to have as side dishes.  

We came back to the house and the same thing that happened the other night happened again. F plunked himself down in the living room next to K and they both waited for me to serve them. I think I handled it a bit better today. I knew that F’s knee was painful now because he’d done a lot of walking today. I announced that I was going upstairs to change my clothes. 

I did, I also grabbed my little speaker so I could listen to podcasts afterwards. I went back downstairs and put things on the table. I really did think it was a bit annoying though. F just sits there, and K just sits there. 

We ate and afterwards, I got to clean up of course. I did the dishes. It wasn’t too bad tonight, there were basically just glasses and then rinsing the noodle packaging. 

I watered the plants outside. I’ve been doing that quite a bit these days. I feel so sorry for the plants out there. It is so hot and there hasn’t been any rain lately, so they need water. They are mostly tomato plants so it is a bit ironic that I’m trying to keep them alive when I can’t eat the fruit!

I went upstairs and then I grabbed my undies and threw them in the washing machine!  Yes, I did laundry at night too. I just don’t know what we’re going to do tomorrow, so I thought I should get my stuff done now. I think it was a good call.

I relaxed for a bit and when my laundry was done I hung it up. There wasn’t much time before The Rookie, so I watched something off the Fire Stick. 

I watched my show and then checked the news for tomorrow. It’s a national holiday so of course nothing is going to happen outside Japan. It’s all off. 

And that’s basically where I am now. I’m watching some YouTube and thinking about what I’m going to do tomorrow. I really don’t know. We’re basically in the midst of Obon and a lot of our favourite places around the city are closed. We should stay here and F should fix our bedroom door, but I doubt that he will! I hope he does.

Come back later and hear all about my Mountain Day. Until tomorrow….

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