August 31, 2023

Thursday - Hot and Sunny. Boo. 

I didn’t wake up early at all this morning. Yay. I slept a bit late, but of course, F woke me up. He is so noisy! I had to go downstairs but went back to bed for a while and snoozed on. 

Around noon, I got up and started to get dressed. F started talking about going for lunch just before 1 so we tossed around a few ideas but he went for his favourite fish place again. However, as we got there the parking lot was packed and then we saw a sign that said it was full. Too bad for F. I suggested another place after that, Bon Giorno. We ended up going there and having a decent lunch. F had a shrimp pilaf and I had a kabocha pilaf doria. It was lovely. Both dishes came with salad and soup, plus a drink. It was very nice.

After lunch, we did a quick detour into a drugstore and then went looking for tires for F’s car. He needs to buy metal frames for them or something. He found some that may be okay, he’ll go back later in September because the woman in the store said that later people often bring them in. 

Our next stop was a Starbucks. We had a nice little break there. I had a caramel frappuccino, and F had his usual. It was okay, but after I ordered I noticed that the iced coffee today was Ethiopian. I love Ethiopian coffee. Sigh. 

At the end of our time there, F wanted to order bentos for dinner. It was barely 5 p.m., we’d eaten late and we just had frappuccinos. I didn’t understand why he wanted to order bentos already. Yes, his mother needed to eat, but I didn’t. He ordered them and then we went to pick them up. I told him that I wouldn’t be wanting to eat for a while. 

When we got back to the house I did three loads of laundry. I’m actually quite glad about that!  I did laundry and later on, I watched another episode of The Crowded Room. It was really good. When it was finished, I watched The Rookie and thought it was okay tonight. 

And really, that was it for me. Tomorrow F has his physiotherapy and then I don’t know what we’ll get up to! This weekend we might go and see a movie, Haunted Mansion is playing here. It got horrible reviews, but F wants to see it AND it is good for me to see bad movies too! How else will I have a worst-of-the-year list? And, I might like it…

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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