September 1, 2023

Friday - Hot and Sunny - Yawn

I woke up early this morning and got up so I could watch the news. However, the news wasn’t on! NHK was running tennis on one channel and golf on another and news on neither. Eye-roll. I tried to go back to sleep but didn’t really manage until after F left for his appointment.

I slept on for a bit, but did drag myself out of bed before F came back. I got dressed and heated up my water pot. I was just going to make myself some tea when F arrived. He’d been downstairs making his mother something to eat. We talked about where to go and I suggested the restaurants in Fujishima. F called and made a reservation. I had my cup of tea, gave him a cup of coffee too and then we left. On the way, F whined a bit about being late. He said that our reservation was at 12:20. Who on earth makes a reservation for 12:20?  Why not 12:30? And it wasn’t as if he didn’t know I was going to have tea before he called. Honestly, I don’t know why he wouldn’t give us extra time to get there.

We had a lovely lunch in Fujishima. I had a pasta dish with basil sauce and some gorgeous potato soup. F had ginger pork and he really liked his. We stayed and chatted for a while and then we left the restaurant.

F decided that he wanted to go and look for nashi again. I didn’t mind, I didn’t have any plans for today. We had talked about going to the movie tonight instead of tomorrow. F said he’d like to go, and I was okay with it. 

We drove off to the Yuza area and looked for nashi. F went to two places and got two bags of nashi, one at each. He was pleased!

We had a brief pitstop and then headed to Mikawa. At Mikawa we did a little shopping. I looked in Uniqlo for something, but couldn’t find it. I think they must have put away their summer clothes already. They were selling Heat Tech things already. After that, we went over to Don Qihote and we did some shopping. We picked up some cords for our electronics and then hit up the food area and I grabbed a few things there too. We got drinks for the road and then left. 

We came back to Tsuruoka and visited a grocery store to get something for K’s dinner. Then we went back to the house. We relaxed for a while and then F announced that he wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go out to the movie tonight. I don’t know what he expected me to say. I was quite ambivalent about seeing it, so it doesn’t matter that much. I have noticed lately that if F gets back to the house and relaxes, he never wants to go out afterwards. Not sure what to do about that.

I reminded him that we would have to go out later for our dinner and he was fine with that. After a while, I suggested going to Kappa Sushi and that’s where we went. 

We had a few dishes of sushi. It was fine. We had some of their ry-yu fries and they were yummy. We left after an hour or so and came back to the house.

Back at the house, I watered K’s tomato plants and then came upstairs. I watched a lot of YouTube and then went and took a shower. When I came back upstairs, I watched a bit of the news that had been recorded today and then a little bit of something from the Fire Stick.

F took his shower and is now sleeping. Tomorrow we have to go and see our doctor. I have a few questions to ask him before my trip. I’m a bit perturbed that F didn’t help me go in a little bit earlier, but really, I’m probably just mad at myself that I didn’t think about it sooner. 

I’m not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow after the doctor. F may have an appointment, I’m not sure if he’s called though. There is possibly the movie, but who knows. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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