September 10, 2023

Sunday - Hot and Sunny, humid

We both slept in this morning but as usual F got up before I did. When I did get up it was 30 degrees in our room so I turned on the AC. Of course I did!

F gave his mother some food and then we decided to go out. F suggested Tai the curry and ramen place and I was fine with that. We went over and had an okay meal. To be honest, I didn’t like my curry much, but I didn’t want to fight about our meals today.

After we left, we made a quick stop at the Bakery Factory shop again and got one each of the dadacha-mama bread things again and a jam-pan for K. 

We came back to the house as F wasn’t feeling all that well. I put the jam-pan on K’s table and then went upstairs. 

I watched YouTube for a while and then went over to the bed and started packing my backpack for the plane. I haven’t finished yet, but I sorted a few things out so that is a good thing. I need to pack my suitcase soon though. 

After a bit, F went and got food for his mother. He got her sushi. We talked about what we should eat and I suggested trying for sushi again. F was okay with that and so we drove to the same place we couldn’t go last night. Tonight we were able to go in right away. 

We had an okay meal. F seemed a bit hungrier than I was so he had a little more sushi than I did. I tried really hard not to have a lot of deep fried food, so I shared a small order of fries with F and I had an order of tempura’d eggplant sushi. That was nice. 

We just came back to the house after dinner. On the way, I asked F if he’d like to watch something with me, but he refused. Oh well, I asked at least. 

Back at the house, I watered the plants outside and then went upstairs. I spent a few minutes checking what was available on Prime and then decided to watch something that has been on my “watchlist” for months, Catherine Called Birdy with Bella Ramsey. It was great and they were excellent in the main part. 

When it finished, I went back to my YouTube and started to catch up with life here in this century and with what’s on YouTube! 

As usual, we have no plans for tomorrow, but I really have to start packing my suitcase soon and doing laundry for the trip etc. I feel like I have a lot of stuff to do and not much time to do it in. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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