September 9, 2023

Saturday - Sunny in the morning, rainy and cloudy later on

Today was my day to sleep in. And I tried. I slept until before 9, went downstairs and then went back to bed and slept for another couple of hours. It was so hot when I woke up. I got up and turned on the AC. 

F came back to the room after a while. I had heated up my kettle so I offered him a hot drink. We talked about going for lunch and I suggested a couple of places, but F’s ears perked up when I suggested going to a soba place. We left the house and drove there, but it was busy. There were even people waiting outside the door!

We decided we’d try The Grand El Sun again and got in just before their last order for lunch. We had a lovely, but expensive lunch. We both had the pork-roast lunch and today it came with a self-serve salad bar, drink bar, soup, focaccia, and even dessert today. Lunch was nice, except towards the end, F started zoning out on his phone again. Sigh.

After lunch I asked that we go to a Daiso so I could pick up a pair of gloves to help put on my stockings. I don’t want to put a nail through them, and my nails are sharp. They are short, but sharp!

I picked up a few things there and liked doing that. I got some yarn(eye roll), a luggage tag, a bag for my trip and a bunch of little things. 

F and I just came back to the house after that and did a bit of a chill out. F fed his mother at her dinner time and then later on we talked about what we would like to do. A bit after 7 pm we decided to go over to Kappa Sushi for a quick and cheerful meal. 

We drove over to Kappa and…it was busy! The parking lot was full and so F decided not to stop. He left the parking area and started driving. He suggested going to Sakata and going to another keiten sushi place…I didn’t want to at first, but then decided why not?

We drove into Sakata and on the way, F asked if I’d rather go to a curry restaurant. I was up for that, so we drove over to that restaurant…and it was closed already. Wah!

We had just passed a yakiniku restaurant and he suggested that one instead. I was a little worried about the cost, since lunch was expensive too, but F said it was okay. We went in and got seated fairly quickly.

We had a combo meal with a few side dishes. It was quite nice, but our usual yakiniku place in Tsuruoka is better. We were the last customers in the restaurant so we quickly left at the end and came back to Tsuruoka.

It was a nice drive back to Tsuruoka. F got to put the car through some of its paces and I think he enjoyed it. We stopped in at a conbini near the house and I bought some milk and some snacks for each of us. 

When we got back to the house, I watered the plants outside and then came upstairs. I watched CSI: Las Vegas at 11:00pm and then turned off the TV. For the rest of the evening, I’ve been watching YouTube and getting my blog done. 

I have no idea what we’re going to do tomorrow. I hope that I can maybe start putting things in one of my suitcases. I have to start packing soon!

Anyway, that’s it for me for tonight. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Sunday. Until tomorrow….

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