September 12, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and humid, rainy at times

Last night I had asked F if he’d go out and leave me in the house for a while, after we had lunch. This morning, when I woke up because of his noise, he told me that he was going to have a massage at 10:50. While that was fine, it was hardly after lunch. There is almost no food in the fridge for me so I would have to wait until he came back before I could eat. 

I was a bit perturbed, especially since he didn’t turn off his alarm and I had to do that! However, I did get my butt out of bed and I did get a few things done, so hurray for that! I got my suitcase out and wiped it down, then got my big suitcase as well. That poor suitcase really needed cleaning. It’s been stuck in a corner for 3 years. It was very dusty! 

I got a few things done while F was away, so that was very good. I put a few things into my suitcase and got a few things done in the room too.  F came back and gave his mother lunch. After that, it was our turn, and we went out to Jiro, near my first apartment in Tsuruoka. We had the same thing, a hamburg and mixed fry. It came with rice, miso soup and a drink. We picked iced coffee.

We popped into a drugstore to get a few things for F and also me, then ended up coming back to the house. We headed upstairs and I did a bit more work on getting ready for my trip. 

F took a nap and a bit later, I went downstairs. I mentioned to him that his mother was most likely waiting for her dinner, so we should get her something. He made her dinner with something that he had bought earlier. After that, we went out.

F suggested the Chinese restaurant on the other side of the park and I was fine with that. We had the same kind of food as last time, but this time, F ordered crispy noodles for his stodgy noodle dish and it was much better than usual. We had a nice meal and left the restaurant nicely full.

We went to Mina after that and I went in and did a little grocery shopping. I got something for K’s brunch tomorrow and I got myself some mugi-cha to take to Canada with me. At the house I realized that it’s actually made with Canadian barley. Isn’t that funny!

Back at the house, I put away the food I bought, then I watered the plants outside a little. One of the planters is under the eaves of the house so it doesn’t get a ton of the rain.  I went upstairs and did a few more things. I did a bunch of printing and photocopying for my trip. Woot. I also did a load of laundry, how can I forget that?

At 11pm I watched FBI: International. It was an odd one, but that’s okay. I’m not going to get F to record that for me, but he has to do The Walking Dead for me. It is put into the DVR already, but since he hasn’t fixed it yet, he’ll have to turn on the TV until the show is over! Can you tell how bitter I am about this? It’s been 9 months and he hasn’t bothered to figure out what is wrong with the DVR. 

Anyway, my trip is looming closer and I have a lot to do. Tomorrow I’ll do more laundry, I need to get it dry before I leave. 

F is talking about going out again tomorrow, I hope he waits until the afternoon!  

Okay, I’m out of here!  I’ll probably post for the next couple of nights, but I may skip Friday night as I’d like to get a good night’s sleep. We’ll see how it goes.

Until tomorrow….

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