September 13, 2023

Wednesday - Sunny and much too humid for me!

I got up this morning a bit late. I’d asked F to make sure that his alarm didn’t go off and wake me up and of course…it did. Sigh. I finally dragged myself out of bed and started moving around. 

F’s sister came by to pick up her mother and take her to the doctor. We decided to go out after a bit and have our lunch. After a bit of discussion, we decided to go to the Daiichi Hotel’s restaurant. We had a lovely lunch there, but after we ordered I discovered that I had already unpacked my discount card from the hotel. Oh dear. Still, lunch was very nice and was worth it really. I had roast pork and F had suzuki (fish). He doesn’t really like that type of fish, so I don’t know why he ordered it!

After lunch, I made a quick run upstairs to get a crochet hook from Daiso. Of course, I got a couple of hooks and a few things for my trip, but really didn’t spend too much.

I met up with F in the car and we went back to the house. He dropped me off and after a few minutes he went on the search for nashi. On the other hand, I got busy in the house.

I did three loads of laundry today and hung them up in my room. I did a little bit of packing, but not as much as I should have. I decided to put my smaller suitcase inside my bigger suitcase. That’s how I plan to take it, but I’m a bit worried that it might be too heavy. 

F came back to the house and around 6:30 he made some dinner for his mother. We talked about going out and I suggested going for udon since it is cheap and we had an expensive lunch. We got in the car and started going when F asked if I’d like to go to our favourite yakiniku place. I reminded him of the cost of the lunch, but he turned to go to the yakiniku place…okay. 

We had yakiniku and it was very nice. We ordered our usual plate plus some kimchi and a caesar salad and some oolong tea. We really enjoyed it. 

On the way back from the restaurant, we decided to pick up a few things from the grocery store. I asked F if he had anything for his mother’s breakfast. He didn’t want anything before that!

We came back to the house and it was so hot in the house that I just started sweating. Yuck. I changed my clothes and then went downstairs and did the garbage up for the kitchen. I cleaned a few things out of the fridge and also set everything up for the next few days. I hope F remembers to do the garbage up while I’m gone.

I took a bit of a rest before Grey’s Anatomy and then watched it. I started a new craft project with some variegated yarn that I bought last weekend. I’m going to take it with me in case I have the urge to work on something while I’m at my sister’s house. It’s a shawl and it looks like it’ll be a good travel project.

After Grey’s Anatomy finished, I went downstairs and took a shower. When I was finished I wanted to get back in again. It is so humid that it is hard to tell if it is humid or I’m sweating again! Yuck.

I came upstairs and watched a few YouTube videos and got some things done on my computer.

That’s about it for me for today. Tomorrow we are having a fancy dinner for our anniversary and I hope to get more prep done for my trip. I’m running out of time!

I’ll try and update tomorrow night, but it is possible that I won’t have time. It depends how our evening goes if I’m honest!

Come back later if you like and see if I was here!  Until….?

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