September 15, 2023

Friday - Hot and Sunny

F got up early today so that he could go to the hospital and just before he left he woke me up. I asked him to today! I wanted to make sure that I was up in time to register for the Convention in Yokohama. I was up, dressed and did in fact, register for my convention. Woot! I’ll have to try and pay for it from Canada!

F came back from the hospital and checked his mother. She said she wasn’t hungry, so we went out for lunch. I suggested going to Cocos and that’s what we did. I had the lunch pasta again, and F had a hamburg and oyster fry. He didn’t like his much, I loved mine!

After lunch, we went to a convenience store to pay a bill. I got us some drinks and then we drove to Mikawa. F had to bring paperwork to his office about his days off, so he called someone and they came out to the car. 

Our next thing was to go to the post office and yes, you guessed it, make another deposit! I made a slightly larger one today. It was 500 yen and I put in 10 yen coins. Hurray for me. I’m putting this project on pause now, but I did re-home many coins, so I’m glad!

We came back to the house and relaxed for a bit. Well, F did, I worked on my packing. I think I got it done. I’m not sure if my suitcase is too heavy though. I may have to take two rather than putting one inside the other. 

After a while, we went out for dinner. We gave K the bento that she didn’t eat last night. We planned to go to one udon place, but when we got there, it had already closed. We took the scenic route as F seemed to forget where we were going. We tried to go to the other place, but on the way, we changed our mind and went for Chinese food instead. It was good!  I had Yurinchi, a sort of sour fried chicken and F had ramen and a starchy thing on rice. 

We came back to the house after dinner and I tried to get F to help me weigh my suitcase. I’m still confused and not sure if it’ll be okay. It probably will be though. 

I took a shower after a bit and then came upstairs again. I tried to explain to F how to use the DVR. I’ve asked him to record one show for me, The Walking Dead and next week it gets a bit complicated. I hope he knows what he’s doing. I hope!

And that’s about it. I’m trying to wind down and calm down. There’s so much that I haven’t done yet and I’ll just have to let it go. It’s okay I think. I think I have done the necessary things. I think!

Anyway, I don’t know how much access I’ll have to a computer over the next month, so blogging may be sparse. I’ll hopefully catch up with you all next month. Until next time!

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