September 14, 2023

Thursday - Rainy at times, sunny and humid

I woke up this morning and was hot and sweaty again. Sigh. F snoozed quite late and so did I today. He gave his mother something to eat and got dressed. I suggested having lunch at F’s favourite restaurant today and he was happy to say yes. 

We drove over there and had a pretty good meal. Today it was swordfish (cooked) and sashimi. The only bad thing was the miso soup was horrible. It had myoga (a type of ginger) in it and it was so strong that you couldn’t taste the miso. I left most of mine.

After lunch, we stopped at a post office and I made another 50 yen deposit! I also made a payment, paid my membership fee for next year for my women’s group and then I took out some money too.

F and I headed over to Cafe B-Flat and we had something to drink and a dessert. We had free drinks today as we’d filled up our cards, I didn’t want to just get free drinks…sounded mean to me!

We visited a bank for F and then a grocery store so that we could pick up something nice for K’s dinner. We were taking ourselves out for a fancy dinner so thought she should get something good too.

We came back to the house and relaxed for a while.  I was on my computer for most of the time. Around 5 pm, I went over to make sure that F was awake. We were planning to call a taxi at 5:30 so we needed to get ready. 

We both got a bit spiffed up. I wore a black shirt and a pair of checked pants, F wore jeans and a shirt. It did take a while for the taxi to come, and then when it did, the driver seemed to take us the long way to the restaurant. I was worried that he’d forgotten that the restaurant moved last year!

We got there a couple of minutes late and were seated quickly. Dinner was great. F had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, but since I don’t like wine, I didn’t have any. I had some still water from a local glacier. F and I mostly had the same foods but they changed a couple of dishes for me as I’m sensitive to tomatoes. Everything was good, there was only one dish that I didn’t exactly love, but even that was good. Here's a few pictures of our anniversary dinner. Yum!

After our meal they called a taxi for us so we had to hurriedly pay, and then we left. This time the driver got us back much faster. 

We had a quiet evening in. I watched most of a movie that was on TV and then The Rookie. That was quite good tonight. F and I have been quite quiet. 

Tomorrow F has to go to the hospital and see his doctor and his physiotherapist. I have to get up early for me lately and try to register for my women group’s convention. 

Then, I have to finish packing my suitcase because I leave on Saturday. Ack! I’m worried about how much I have to do still.

In all honesty, I’m not sure if I’ll update tomorrow night. I might like to spend a bit of time with my husband. I’m also not sure how much updating I’ll be able to do while I’m away. If I’m not able to update, please understand. I want to be with my family and friends, it’s been so long since I’ve seen them all. 

Until next time…


Rosa said...

Happy anniversary! Looks like a really nice dinner. Yum.

I hope you have a wonderful trip and get the chance to do all the things while you're in Canada. Safe travels!

Helen said...

It was a lovely dinner! This is one of the top restaurants in Tsuruoka, and we have some good ones here.

Thanks for your good wishes. I'm hoping that Canada will be good too. I need to shop and I need to see my family and friends. It feels like it has been too long!

Thanks for visiting and always commenting! I appreciate it so much :-)