September 21, 2023

 Thursday - Cool but sunny

Yesterday wasn't a great day if I'm honest. I'm sure most of it was up to me. I'm still quite jet lagged, and tired too a lot of the time.

I got up and had breakfast, then watched a bit of TV while my sister did her workout downstairs. I couldn't get her cable channels to work, found out later I had the wrong remote! I watched stuff, and it was fun. I also did a couple of loads of laundry, and hung them to dry. They seem to take a lot longer to dry here than in Japan! And, I did a bit of crochet. That was relaxing for me.

After lunch, we went to the grocery store. I picked up a few things for Japan...things like gravy mixes and some more smoked paprika. I got a huge bottle because it was plastic and also big! I use a lot. I got some drink mixes too. I find it hard to drink things here. I don't like soda and everything else is so sweet. I did bring some instant barley tea with me, but I can't get the proportions right so it tastes a bit off.

In the afternoon, I watched a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead on Netflix. I had recorded these ones, but in the last week ran out of time to watch them. They were rather good. We had an early dinner, pizzas all around. I made mine and it was rather nice. It had Alfredo sauce as the base, then I put on some ham, olives, pineapple, green onions and cheese. Yum. It got criticized for not having enough stuff on it, but honestly, I liked it a lot!

Neither my sister nor I had slept that well the night before, so we were getting on each others nerves, so I just left the kitchen and went to my room. I took a nap for a couple of hours and then woke up. It was 8 pm ish and I decided to go to bed. I changed into my pyjamas and slept until midnight. 

Around 1 I started doing my usual things on my phone and then around 2:30 I went back to sleep and slept quite well until around 7 am. I'm feeling quite a lot better now.

I had a nice breakfast and some decaf coffee so I feel almost human again!

Tomorrow, my BFF and I will have some lunch and spend some time talking to each other so I'm sure I'll have a great day. 

That's all you get for now. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. 

Until next time....

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