September 24, 2023

 Sunday - Clear and cool

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I went out with my sister in the morning to buy a few things at the grocery store, then came back to the house. I spent the rest of the day in. 

In the afternoon I watched the 4th and final episode of Inside Man. It was really good and did keep me guessing. 

My sister made Beef Bourguignon for dinner last night and it made the house smell amazing!  When dinnertime came, it was just as good as it smelled. She'd never tried the recipe before and wasn't sure if she got it right, but I think she did! 

After dinner we watched another episode of Severance and then the John Wick: Chapter Four film. I'm afraid I nearly fell asleep on John Wick. I love Keanu, but there was just so much repetitive killing that it got a bit boring after a while.  

It was around midnight when we all went our separate ways to bed. My poor nephew has a bit of a cold, I hope I don't get it too. I did my phone things and was going to read, but fell asleep and woke up around 3 am. Oh dear. I went back to sleep soon after and slept until 6:30, used the loo, and then went back to sleep. I didn't wake up until 10 am when one of my alarms went off. It's the weekend so no big deal, but I didn't expect to sleep so late.

And that's where I am now. My sister and I did a bit of shopping already today and now I'm doing laundry. It's such an exciting life I lead! 

I'll try and update tomorrow, but no promises. The next few days I might be a bit busier so it would be difficult to use the computer. 

Come back late if you like and hear all about my day. Until next time....

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