September 29, 2023

 Friday - Rainy and cool

It's been a busy week here in Canada. I went out with my niece on Tuesday. I had an expensive lunch and a successful shopping trip. I got a lovely dress for my party in November on a massive sale, so that was good.

My friend picked me up on Wednesday morning and we went into the city. We had a lovely lunch at The Olive Garden and then a very successful shopping trip in Mayfield Common. I got some jeans, some shirts and some nice undies! We checked into the hotel and had a little rest before leaving again.  We had a light dinner at a placed called Chopped Leaf and then went over to the Jubilee Auditorium. We saw Ain't Too Proud, which is a stage play/musical about The Temptations.  Despite a very talented cast and some great music, it wasn't the greatest play ever. We both liked it but didn't love it. We went back to the hotel and basically went straight to bed!

Thursday, we did more shopping. We went up to Kingsway Garden Mall and had a quick run through a shop before having a nice brunch in the food court. I opted for Ukrainian food, since it is quite hard to get it in Japan (although Costco does sometimes have perogies). It was lovely.  We did a lot of walking around the stores and my friend had much more luck than I did. We ended up in The Bay and I found a coat that was on massive sale. It's not a terribly warm one, but should do for a lot of the Japanese winter, especially if I wear something warm underneath.

We met up with my friend's niece and her husband. I haven't seen the niece for years...probably 15 or 20...and now she's a grown up married lady! It was lovely to see her. She seems quite happy, I'm glad to say.

We had to go our separate ways as we were a bit tired, and they had a long way to drive. We went back to the hotel for a few minutes and then we went out again to go to the restaurant. My friend had made reservations at The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant. It was amazing. It was expensive, but it was worth it. The food was excellent and so were the staff. We were there for about 2 and a half hours, and were stuffed afterwards. We had cheese and broccoli soup, then a cheese fondue, followed by a coq au vin based fondue with meats and some shrimp and salmon. It was amazing. The veggies were also good. The ending was of course a chocolate fondue and it was so good I wanted to lick out the pot at the end in case we missed some of the chocolate!

We went back to the hotel and were in a food coma. We basically relaxed and watched a bit of TV. I planned to take a bath, but didn't, I read a bit of my book, did a little crochet and then eventually went to bed.

Today, I've already had a lot of fun! After we checked out of the hotel, we went to breakfast at Cora. It is a new to me breakfast chain. They close in the afternoon apparently. I had what they called a breakfast poutine. It was great and filling. I picked up the bill for that as my friend had been driving all the time and made all the reservations and such during our staycation!

We did a bit more shopping. I got some pyjamas and another souvenir for my husband at one place, then we zoomed over to the new mall near the International Airport. I didn't have a ton of luck there, but I did get a pair of shoes. Yay. We had a diet root beer and some onion rings at A&W and then did a bit more shopping. I didn't have much luck clothes wise, but did get some chocolate at the Lindt outlet shop. I'll be saving that for Japan and enjoying that over the next few months. 

My friend drove me back to my sister's house and we hugged goodbye. We hope to get together sometime next week if there's time. We both had such a good time together!

And that's it. You are up to date with me!

I hope it has been worth waiting for this update. Come back later if you like and see if I am able to write more. Until next time....

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