November 14, 2023

Tuesday - Rainy and cold and then sunny.

I woke up before 7 this morning, went downstairs and then came back to bed. I wasn’t sure when F had set his alarm, so I was a little worried that he’d oversleep. He didn’t. He got up and went downstairs, and then his alarm went off. Sigh. I had to turn it off. I went back to sleep and woke up about an hour later.

I didn’t get up for ages, but finally dragged myself out of bed. I knew that F’s sister came over and took her mother over to the hospital in Sakata for an appointment. 

I got up and decided to start my laundry. I brought down a load of clothes and got it started. I did a couple of loads in the morning. I had a quiet morning, but busy hanging up clothes and running down to the machine. 

In the afternoon I did a bit of packing and packed my second suitcase. I tried to be practical and take only things that I would wear. Yay me. 

F popped by for a couple of seconds and seemed fine. He didn’t seem to be mad anymore. I’m glad to say that.

When I went for my lunch, I tried to give K some lunch, but she didn’t eat very much. She took a little yogurt, nothing else. Sigh. I get food for her but she doesn’t eat it. She’s been eating so much fruit lately, it’s rather annoying. 

I went back upstairs, watched the news and ate. When I finished lunch, I worked a bit harder on my packing. I got one suitcase finished, the one I wanted to send, and the other one, I got nearly finished. 

F had texted earlier to say that he’d be late, so I took a little bit longer than usual before I went downstairs. Finally, I did and I started getting dinner ready.

Tonight I made baked potatoes in my air fryer and I also did some chicken in the toaster oven, plus we had some salad and broccoli. F didn’t get back until quite late and I needed to get to the courier place before 8. Yikes. We ate fairly fast. We had the baked potatoes with butter, fake sour cream, and cheese and I added some leftover taco mix. Yum. 

I cleared the table and swore I’d do the dishes when I came back. I ran upstairs to change and we got on the road. We were so late. F drove us and we got to the office about 5 minutes before they closed. I don’t know how he managed. 

I got my spare suitcase sent away. Whew. I’ll send it back from Yokohama with the stuff that I’ve already worn or won’t need. I’m going to take a second suitcase with me! No point in carrying stuff I won’t need with me.

We next did some grocery shopping, or at least I did. I picked up some food for the next couple of days. After that, we hit up a drugstore and F got himself some medicine. He’s still coughing all the time. I’ve been advising him to go to the doctor, but he hasn’t so far. Maybe on the weekend when I’m away. 

We came back to the house where I put away the groceries and then discovered that someone had already washed most of the dishes. I assumed that K had done it, but after I thanked her, F remembered that he’d done it! Crazy man. I thanked him too, although I had to redo a few things. 

I washed the few things that F hadn’t washed and then went upstairs to rest for a little. Then, I took a shower. 

I watched FBI: International and it was okay. I didn’t mind it. I worked on a craft that I’m doing for an exchange. It’s going quite well. F came upstairs when the show was over and then took his shower. 

I’ve been watching YouTube and chilling out ever since. Tomorrow I have to start my column and work more on my craft. I also want to look for my missing item to take with me! I could be busy!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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