November 13, 2023

Monday - Rainy with added hail

I woke up early this morning and went downstairs. I came back to bed and went to sleep and then slept quite late. I didn’t hear F leave this morning. Hurray for that.

I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs. I filled up the kerosene heater…it had run out last night and I didn’t want to fill it up then. I brought the tank upstairs and started the heater. It was only 13 degrees in our room. Yuck. I guess winter is nearly here. 

I had a quiet day. I didn’t do laundry, but I did work on packing my suitcase. I did annoy myself though. I spent about 20 minutes looking for my double-sided clothing tape that I bought in Canada only to find that I had already packed it into my suitcase. Ack! I have to look for one more item…I haven’t been able to find it yet. I’ll have to work on packing my other suitcase tomorrow. Yes, I’m taking two! I’m sending one to the hotel directly, the other I’ll take with me on the plane and then it’ll come to Niigata with me. The one with my fancy clothes will be sent back to the house so I don’t have to drag them around with me. 

When I grabbed my breakfast I set up some yogurt to drain for dinner tonight. I couldn’t get any sour cream yesterday.

I went upstairs again and had a quiet afternoon. I packed, I played a game on my phone, I watched the part of Criminal Minds from the other day that I missed and a whole bunch of news broadcasts. 

I didn’t hear from F tonight and I didn’t really expect to if I’m honest. He was so pouty last night. I went downstairs and made tacos tonight. When F came back to the house I asked him if he wanted to join us for dinner, but he said no. Okay then.

K and I had a nice meal. I really enjoyed it, I’m not sure if she did. She did eat a couple of tacos so that was good! She didn’t eat the food I had put out for her this afternoon, so I worried that she might be a bit hungry tonight.

I did the dishes afterwards and then bundled up the pink garbage bag and put it out at the door. Hopefully, F will take it out in the morning.

I went upstairs and spent basically the next 5 hours on my computer watching YouTube. F was in bed but got up later. We’re talking, but not much. I’ve reminded him that I need him to help me send my suitcase tomorrow. He said he would, so fingers crossed, he doesn’t change his mind. 

Anyway, I think I’m about done for today. I have to be quite busy tomorrow. I have to finish packing my suitcase and I really need to do some laundry.

Come back later if you like and hear what I get done tomorrow. Until tomorrow….

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