November 22, 2023

 Wednesday - Sunny but cool

I had an okay day today. I woke up fairly early the first time, I think F was still leaving, then went back to sleep. I stayed in bed rather late today because I felt like it! I was tired and didn’t get to bed at a reasonable time last night!

I got up and grabbed my breakfast and noticed that they had tried to deliver F’s package already. Oops. I took the card upstairs and noticed that they had a free English line that I could call for redelivery. I called, talked to a nice person and arranged for the package to come back later in the day. I texted F to let him know and he seemed happy about it.

My afternoon was quiet. While I was getting my lunch ready today I cleaned the ice maker box in the fridge. Over the summer, someone had spilled something sticky all over it and it was hard to get out of the fridge to refill it. It’s clean now. 

I came upstairs to eat. Oh, and the DVR? I unplugged it and plugged it back into another part of the extension cord. It works. It works back to the usual bad way it worked before, but that is progress from last night!

F didn’t call when he was coming back from work so I went downstairs a bit early. I had found a recipe I wanted to try. Tonight for dinner I did pork sauté plus “tornado-style” sweet potatoes, mushrooms and salad. It took a bit of time and F showed up and so did his package. I had to go to the door and get it. 

Dinner was okay. I think the sweet potatoes were a little overdone and dry, but they weren’t that bad really. 

After we ate, I washed the dishes and then I did up the garbage afterwards. There isn’t garbage pick up tomorrow as it is a national holiday, but F didn’t do it on Sunday like I suggested. I had to put it out in the garage. I hope he remembers to take it out Monday morning!

I came upstairs and watched the last half or so of Tremors. I think F watched it too. It was on our cable channel tonight. Man, I love that movie. It’s sort of perfect!

I took a shower after 11 pm and while I was in there I cleaned the floor of the shower. It looks a lot better in there now. I should do a bit more next time I’m in there. I came back upstairs and spent some time with my computer and YouTube. 

Thursday is F’s birthday and we don’t have day plans, but we do have a night plan!  We’ll go to the fancy Italian restaurant in town. I’m rather looking forward to it.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to update you all after our dinner. Come back later if you like and find out about my day. Until tomorrow….

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