November 23, 2023

Thursday - Warm & sunny, then rainy at night

Well, I stayed up last night a bit too late, so I slept in this morning. Thursday is a national holiday though, so no big deal. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed and F and I talked about where to go for lunch. He wanted to go to a place that he said we’d been to before. We just made it there before their last order. I have NO memory of ever being there and I didn’t like the food. It was a tempura restaurant, so we had tempura. I didn’t like it that much if I’m honest. It was really greasy. Japanese tempura is rarely that greasy so I was a little surprised.

After lunch, we took a drive. F drove us over to the ocean and we drove down the shore a bit. It was beautiful. We stopped in Yura and walked a little closer to the oceanfront. The part we were in didn’t have a beach, it was man-made with rocks and a concrete pavement along the water. It was a lovely day and we took pictures of each other.

Yura "Beach"

The birthday guy!

We drove back to Tsuruoka and went to MaxValu. We picked up some food for tomorrow and a nice bento for K. Then, we went to Komeda Coffee and had a drink. F asked me if I wanted a dessert with my drink, but we had lovely dinner plans so I turned him down. It was a good choice.

We only spent an hour in the coffee shop and then we came back to the house. I decided that I’d wear a casual dress tonight, I got a denim dress when I was in Canada, so I wore that tonight with leggings.  F wore jeans and a nice shirt.

He had ordered a taxi which came a few minutes early. I was downstairs and noticed it was waiting, so I yelled at F to hurry up!

We went over to Al Che Cciano and had a lovely meal there. F had booked a medium expensive course and told them about my tomato allergy, so we had a lovely meal. We had some amazing fish, pasta, pork and beef and at the end a gorgeous plate of desserts. There was one point though where they gave me the wrong plate and it did have tomatoes in it. Actually, both plates had some tomatoes in them. The one I finally ended up with even had sun-dried tomatoes as a garnish! I didn’t eat them. 

When we finished our meal we asked them to order us a taxi, but they were busy so it wouldn’t arrive until 9 pm. We were even given a free cup of tea while we waited, which if you know Japan, you’ll know is very unusual!

We taxied back to the house and came in. We had a quiet evening. I watched The Rookie at 11pm and then turned off the TV. F had to try and get his uniform set up for tomorrow…he was looking for his pants for a while.

He thanked me tonight for giving him a nice birthday even though I didn’t give him anything. I wanted to but I couldn’t find anything that he needed or would really want to have. He buys himself things that he wants all the time. 

Tomorrow I’ll have to work on my column a bit more and I’d like to do a bit of laundry as well. I have one suitcase left to unpack as well. I should be busy, but the question is will I be? I dunno!

Well, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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