November 25, 2023

Saturday - Cold and snowy and rainy

I slept in this morning and it was gorgeous! I did wake up a couple of times, F headed out to see his doctor, so I wished him well. I got up a little before he got back. I got dressed and made myself a cup of tea. 

F came back and wanted to go for lunch. He’d made his mother’s brunch earlier. We discussed a bit and then decided to go to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch and then visit the new import store afterwards, I wanted to visit the hundred yen shop after that. That’s what we did. 

Lunch was very nice. It was a bit expensive, but we did get a 10% discount which helped a little. Jupiter, the import store, was nice. It had most of the basic stuff, but it didn’t have any Christmas Puddings or mincemeat tarts, which made me rather sad. I didn’t see any in Niigata when I was there last week either. At the hundred yen shop, I picked up a few things. I had to meet F in the car afterward, but it took a little while. There was a lady in front of me who had picked up a bag of sesame seeds, but it was leaking everywhere! She sent her husband off to get a new bag and the poor clerk had a messy counter to clean up!

F and I next headed out to a hardware shop. This morning I had mentioned to F that now that winter appears to be here, it was extra important that he fix the darn door to our room because otherwise, all the warm heater air would escape! He needed a sander, which he picked up at the hardware store. 

We came back to the house and F worked on the door and he finally fixed it! It’s been blooming months since the door handle came off in my hands. I’m happy that he fixed it, but wish it had been done earlier!

We relaxed for a while and then F made his mother some dinner. I’m not sure what he made, that’s up to him!

When he finished, he suggested going for ours, but I put him off for a while. We ended up going a little before 7 pm I think. I had suggested either Gusto or the newish gyudon shop, and of course, he picked that one. It was fine. F had a very spicy dish and I had tonkatsu with some kara-age on the side. Yum. 

After our meal, we visited a drugstore near Mina and then went into Mina, the grocery store too. We picked up a few things and then came back to the house.

I watched a little YouTube and then used the Fire Stick and watched an episode of Fringe and then tried the second episode of Still Up on Apple TV. It has potential, that show. I’m wondering how it is going to work. I did have to unplug and then replug the Fire Stick in to get started tonight. I’m not sure why, it worked yesterday, but…

I watched Criminal Minds Evolution at 11 pm and then turned off the TV. While I was watching my shows tonight, I finished the ornament that I had been making for the ornament exchange. I usually make something else to go with it, so I’ll have to think if will or not. This is quite a big one, so I might not. 

I’m presently watching a blogger showing her trip to Paris. She’s been visiting Sacre Coeur…all I can think about is the end of the last John Wick movie which took place in that area! It’s silly, but that’s what I thought during her walking around!

I’m not exactly sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. Come back later if you like and hear all about our day. Until tomorrow….

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