November 24, 2023

Friday - Cold and rainy and snowy?

I slept in this morning and it was great! I woke up quite early, even before F went to work. I went downstairs and then came back to bed. F got up and left for work and after that, I went back to sleep. I did oversleep a bit more than I meant to, but no worries.

When I got up, I dressed and then grabbed my breakfast. I ate and decided not to do laundry today because K was doing some downstairs. I watched some news on TV today and I also worked on my column. I’ve now written about 3 movies which I think is a good start!

I grabbed my lunch around 2 pm and discovered that K hadn’t eaten her lunch at all. I heated it up for her and then gave it to her. I watched the new Criminal Minds from the weekend and thought it was interesting. Then, I worked more on my column!

I went downstairs around 5:30 to get ready for dinner. I washed dishes and then started preparing stuff. F came in a bit later and said he’d like to eat soon. I made things a little faster!

We had a simple dinner of pasta with garlic butter sauce, sliced chicken breast and salad. It was quite a nice dinner. I did the dishes quite quickly, listening to Kermode and Mayo. After that, I went upstairs. I basically expected F to come upstairs soon after me but he didn’t. 

Around 10pm I decided that I would go and take a shower. As I went downstairs F started to get ready to come upstairs. It annoyed me a bit. He’d made himself noodles and just generally stayed downstairs. I took my shower and was still quite angry when I came out. I went upstairs and decided to get over myself after a bit. 

I went over to F on the bed and chatted for a while and it was okay. I came back to my computer and for some reason, he went downstairs and brought back a bottle of sparkling wine. He opened it and drank it all himself. Hmm. I wouldn’t have wanted anyway, but he could have asked!

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Not too sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. Come back later if you like and find out!  Until tomorrow….

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