November 27, 2023

Monday - Cool and cloudy

I woke up first this morning around 8 am. I might have heard F leave, but I’m not sure. I snoozed for a while and dragged myself out of bed later. I got breakfast and brought it upstairs to eat.

I had a fairly quiet morning and afternoon. I did buckle down and did quite a bit on my column today. Yay! It took a while, but I’m quite pleased with how it is going. I’ll work more on it tomorrow, hopefully!

When I went downstairs to get my lunch I wasn’t too happy to see that K had taken a bunch of the sweet potatoes that F got from his friend and steamed them. My pot was on the table, she hadn’t used it, but why didn’t she put it away afterward? It stank to high heaven in there too. 

I wasn’t too pleased to see that K hadn’t eaten the food that I had bought for her for today. She’d been gorging herself on steamed sweet potatoes. I don’t get it personally.

I went downstairs around 5:30 to get a start on dinner. I peeled a sweet potato and cut it up, then soaked it for a while to get rid of the starch. I added more veggies and after a while threw them into my air fryer with some oil and herbs. We had some toaster oven chicken as well. Dinner was rather nice when it happened and it was good. 

I had done a lot of the dishes while I was cooking so it didn’t take too long to do them afterwards. I got them done and then bagged up the plastic garbage and took it out to the doorway for F. 

I went upstairs and watched a bit of YouTube and worked on my crafting for a bit. I decided to take my shower and went downstairs. I decided to clean the sink while I was there. I did that and it looked much better afterwards. I should have done it earlier, but whatever. 

I took my shower and then came upstairs again. I watched more YouTube and had the odd chat with F too! He’s off sleeping now and I should get to bed really soon. 

That’s it for me for today. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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