November 28, 2023

Tuesday - Rainy, cloudy and cold

I woke up this morning before F did, went downstairs and then came back to bed. F was up by this time and he dressed and went to bed, I went to sleep. I got up a couple of hours later.

After I got dressed, I did a load of laundry. To be honest, I did TWO loads of laundry! I live such an exciting life. Still, it was a necessary thing so I’m glad I did it. 

After lunch, I buckled down and finished up my column. It took a while, but I enjoyed the process today. I’ll do some polishing and tweaking and hopefully, I can send it in tomorrow. Then, I can start on my Christmas cards AND finish my craft projects!

F called to say that he’d be late and then a little later he called to say that he wouldn’t be late. He showed up not too much later.

I had gone downstairs and was starting to put dinner things together. I asked him when he’d like to eat and he said it didn’t matter so I got stuck in and put dinner into a higher gear. 

Tonight we had Gapao Rice with salad and it was quite nice. We all ate quite a lot and F even went for seconds of rice and had some fish stuff with it. 

I did the dishes and then I went upstairs and changed. F was listening to his phone again and wasn’t ready to go out for a bit. Finally, he got ready and we left.

We went to Mina and I went in and did the grocery shopping. It was hard to find things that I wanted but in the end, I got enough for dinner. I think!

We came back to the house and I watched a little TV tonight and then a lot of YouTube. F went to bed a while ago, I should get some sleep soon too.

So, that’s about it for my day. I have to finish my column and cook dinner tomorrow. Come back later if you like and find out if I get it all done! Until tomorrow….

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