November 7, 2023

Tuesday - Rainy and cooler

I woke up before 8 am this morning. F had already left of course. I went downstairs and then came back upstairs. I got dressed and then I’m afraid I went back to bed for a while. I tried to watch the 8 a.m. news but was not impressed to find out that the BBC news is now at the end of the broadcast rather than at the beginning. 

After watching/snoozing through the news, I got back into bed properly and slept for a bit. I dragged myself out of bed a bit later and went downstairs for my breakfast. I brought it upstairs and ate. 

I had a fairly quiet day today. I ordered something from Amazon today and I also booked myself a hair appointment for Thursday. Yay. Oh, and I got an email from the airline saying that they changed my airplane next week. I hope it’s okay!

F popped in for a few minutes in the afternoon but couldn’t stay long. He didn’t have time for a drink with me either. 

Around 5:30 F called me and I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. Tonight I did chicken in the toaster oven again, plus some Japanese-style eggplant, some macaroni salad, salad, and some stick broccoli. Everything turned out quite well and there weren’t too many leftovers. Luckily, I had already put some aside for K’s lunch tomorrow.

I did the dishes afterwards and then F and I went to the grocery store. I bought some food for tomorrow night and some breakfasts for the other two. 

We came back to the house and K was up having a persimmon. When we left she was in bed. She’s a funny little old lady! I put the groceries away and then went upstairs. 

I relaxed for a bit and then got the bright idea to make some popcorn. I went downstairs and made some, then came upstairs and ate it while I was watching FBI: International. It was quite a good tonight. 

I turned off the TV at midnight and F took himself off to bed. I’ve been blogging and watching YouTube for a while. 

I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. I hope that I’ll be working hard on either packing my suitcase or writing my column, but the problem is, will I?

Come back later if you like and hear about my day. Until tomorrow….

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