November 8, 2023

Wednesday - Cooler but sunny

I woke up early this morning, around 7 a.m. F was sitting on the bottom of the bed and was mostly dressed. I went downstairs and when I came back up he had the light on. I sat on the bed and waited until he left to go to work before I went back to sleep. I had a hard time getting up this morning…it was a bit late when I got up. Oh well.

I grabbed my breakfast, came back upstairs, and ate. I did a foot treatment today too. I relaxed a bit and watched too much YouTube and a lot of news today too. I texted my sister for a little while, that was nice. She’s in Hawaii visiting our family. 

I had a quiet afternoon and went downstairs to start dinner after F called. Tonight I made hamburgers (premade from the store), and with them, I served some potato salad (store-made) plus some mushroom sauté, salad and gravy. There was still leftover rice from yesterday, so we could have some of that. 

Dinner was good when it happened. F wanted me to serve it around 7 p.m. although I could have got it on the table earlier. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, so that was good.

I had done a few dishes earlier so the dishes didn’t take too long. When I was done with that, I did up the garbage. I also cleaned out the fridge of a lot of things that had been in there too long. When I was away and then sick, F did a lot of cooking but he didn’t use up the things he bought. I had to toss a lot of food. It really bothers me, but it had to be done.

I went upstairs, did my garbage up here, and left the bag for F. I had thought to take a shower when he came upstairs, and that’s what I ended up doing. 

I ended up watching more YouTube and I should be getting myself off to bed right away. Tomorrow I have a hair appointment so I have to leave the house in the morning and get downtown. I’m planning to have lunch somewhere and then have my hair cut. That should be good. 

So, that’s about it for me. I had planned to do some crochet tonight, but I started a new ball of yarn and had yarn barf come out, so I had to untangle a lot of knots and couldn’t do any tonight. I did a little in the daytime though. My shawl is growing and looks quite good I think!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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