November 6, 2023

Monday - Warm and sunny

I woke up this morning after F had left. I went downstairs and then came back to the room. I got dressed and then I took a bit of a longer nap. 

I heard K’s daughter come in and a few minutes later it was quiet downstairs. I went downstairs and started a load of laundry and then while it was washing away, I took care of a personal chore. I did two loads of laundry today and then I grabbed my breakfast. 

K came back with her daughter and they were downstairs for a while. When I went down a couple of hours later, K was in the living room. 

F phoned tonight a bit after 5 and then I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. Tonight I went fairly simple and did a veggie bake in my air fryer. I added in some cut-up sausages towards the end and served that with some salad. I opened a can of fruit salad for dessert.

Dinner was quite nice. Neither K nor F seems to want to eat much these days. I do, I’m hungry!

I did the dishes afterwards and even though I cleaned as I worked, I still ended up taking a lot of time doing them.

I went upstairs around 9 p.m. and then relaxed for a while. A little after 10 I went downstairs and took a shower. Yay me. F was sitting in the living room all of this time. I’m not sure what he was doing. 

I returned upstairs and watched the first episode of the second season of Carnival Row. It was pretty good. 

F came up when it was over and went to bed. I’m up doing my blogging and such, but I’m going to stop and get myself to bed soon. 

I’ll be cooking again tomorrow evening and I might start packing my suitcase for my trip next week. I should get on it as next week looks a bit hectic.

Anyway, that’s it for me. I’m off to bed. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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