December 2, 2023

Saturday - Rainy and cold

I went to bed quite late last night and since we hadn’t made firm plans for this morning, I didn’t plan to get up early. I woke up fairly naturally, except my alarm did start around 10!

F came back upstairs and we decided that we’d go to Sakata and try this fabulous “kara-age” restaurant that he wanted to take me to. It’s a Japanese fried chicken place. We got in the car and drove out to the place. It was quite far out of Sakata, northwards. We waited a few minutes and were finally able to be seated. We refused the chance to sit on tatami. F has problems getting up and down with his knees, and to be honest, so do I!

Our meals were good, I just don’t know if I would really bother going all the way out there again! Still, it was nice that F actually had a plan for a change!

After we ate, we just drove back towards Tsuruoka. We stopped in Mikawa and went to Nitori, a household goods store…think Japanese IKEA. We picked up some placemats for our new table, I got a new garlic press, F got a stand for his shamoji and I also got some solar-powered Christmas lights for the tree. Ooh!

We drove back into Tsuruoka. I had asked that we go to Starbucks to try their new pistachio drinks. Sadly, there was no place to sit in the store, so we got our drinks to go and then came back to the house. 

At the house, I came upstairs and F didn’t. I watched a lot of YouTube as usual and spent time on my computer.

F gave his mother some food and came up later. Of course, he wanted dinner but had no idea where to go. After an age, and a nap for him, I suggested one of the Chinese restaurants in Tsuruoka. F was okay with that. We went to the closest one and had an okay meal. F did what he always does, ordered a dish that I really don’t like. He had stodgy yakisoba, I had the egg/pork/black fungus dish and we shared some soup gyoza. It was okay but not great tonight. I was a bit hungry at the end. 

We popped over to a grocery store to pick up more food for K for tomorrow. We drove back to the house and then F remembered that we were supposed to pick up kerosene! We went off and got some of that and then came back to the house. I was upstairs, and F spent a long time downstairs, I’m not sure why!

I watched Criminal Minds and when it finished we got a notification that the southern part of Japan and the other coast may have a tsunami because of an earthquake in the Philippines. 

And honestly, that’s about it for my day. I had a pretty good day, F and I didn’t fight and we’re going to go to Costco tomorrow unless something comes up. Roadtrips! Let’s hope it goes well. 

Oh, and today’s tea? It was a peach and orange tea, non-caffeine. It was okay, but since I don’t really like fruit that much, I wouldn’t buy it for myself. 

Hopefully, I’ll post tomorrow night, but if we get back late I may skip it. Don’t miss me too much! Until tomorrow….

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