December 21, 2023

Thursday - Cold and snowy

I woke up around 6 am this morning and did a run downstairs and then I came back upstairs and went back to bed. F woke up around the same time and he went downstairs too. He got to have a long lie in today so that was nice, I did too. He heard the doorbell and went to the door. It was my funeral outfit arriving. He brought it upstairs and tried to give it to me right away. I was still half asleep so I put it aside for later.

I got up and made made my breakfast, then came upstairs with it and ate. F went downstairs and made brunch for himself and his mother. F did offer to take me out for lunch later, but there was no point. I had food to eat so I didn’t need it. 

F got dressed in his suit and then left for the funeral with his mother. I had a quiet time. I went downstairs and grabbed my lunch and came upstairs and ate it. 

F and his mother came back a bit later. Around 5:45 I went downstairs and got started on dinner. Today I did a veggie bake. I peeled some veggies and then roasted them in my air-fryer. They were pretty popular and all of them were eaten! I had some spaghetti salad with it and it was all eaten too. It surprised me a lot. 

I did the dishes and when I was done, I changed my clothes. F and I went off to Mina, the local big grocery store. I suggested that he make nabe for dinner tomorrow night and he agreed! Woot. He picked up his ingredients and I picked up some salad for my lunch. 

Tomorrow F and K have more funeral stuff to do in the morning. I’m not sure what they’ll be doing after that. I’ve asked F if we could go shopping. My funeral outfit fits, but I’d like to see if I could get a matching purse. I don’t have a black purse that would do. 

We have had a ton of snow today, so I don’t know if we’ll be able to go out and about tomorrow or not. It depends how long it stays. 

In the evening, I watched The Great British Sewing Bee and then The Rookie. It was rather interesting. The show seems to be stepping up a little. 

So…my Tea Advent Calendar. Today it was a Fruit tea again, it’s Mixed Berries…a mix of blueberries and blackcurrants. It was okay. I thought I’d like it more than I did, but it was much better than yesterday’s horrible ginger tea. 

This was fine, but I probably wouldn't buy it again. I'm not a fruit person. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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