December 20, 2023

Wednesday - Clear, cold and sunny.

I woke up early this morning, but not that early! I looked at the clock and F was still in bed asleep. I told him it was after 7 am. For a minute he said he’d take today off, but then he changed his mind and got up and got ready for work. I had to make a trip downstairs and then I went back to bed. 

I slept for a couple more hours and then I got up. I got dressed and then I did a couple of loads of laundry and hung them up in my room. I didn’t get sleepy today so that was good. 

I had a quiet day if I’m honest. I went down a bit after 2 to grab my lunch. I’m probably going a bit later than I should. I preset the heater in the kitchen to warm it up for me for later. 

I had a quiet afternoon, I watched the news and not much else. When F called, I headed downstairs to get started on dinner. Unfortunately, K had been in the kitchen and had left the door slightly ajar. However, it was still much warmer in there, so no harm done really. 

Tonight I made a pork stir-fry and we had that with salad and rice. It turned out rather well, but there is a little bit leftover. 

After dinner, I did the dishes and then I did up the garbage. It took a while, but I got it done. I told F that I was going upstairs and then I did. Later on, I took a shower and then came back upstairs.

I watched an episode of Still Up and liked that a lot. After that, I turned off the TV. 

It’s been a quiet evening here really. F is getting ready for some of the funeral events. I think him and his mother are going out tomorrow. I’m staying in. 

And tonight I tried my Tea of the Day from the Advent Calendar. I didn’t like it. In fact, I thought it was terrible and I only had one cup. It was Lemon & Ginger, but the ginger was really strong, it was horrible. To be honest, I don’t like ginger, but the tea was not for me!

The first one of the bunch that I really didn't like. Too much ginger.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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