December 26, 2023

Tuesday - Warmer, but rainy

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I got up, went downstairs and then came back to the room and got dressed. Then, I headed back to bed for a snooze. It didn’t really work, so I got up again and did my usual morning things. 

I got a Christmas card in the mail today from Australia and I also got a Christmas Card that I had sent out back. There was no reason given. I sent a quick email to the person that should have received it and she hadn’t moved and has no idea why it didn’t get delivered!

Around noon I got dressed to go out. I knew my friend was finishing work around then. After a bit, I went downstairs and waited for her. I did tell K that I was going out. I have no idea if she understood!

My friend came and we went out. We decided to go over to Cocos. We did that and had a nice lunch. We ate, we drank a lot of drinks from the drink bar and all too soon it was time to go. Sigh. 

She dropped me off at the house and I went in. I relaxed and changed my clothes and got ready to go downstairs. 

F called me and I went downstairs to put dinner on the table. I didn’t cook anything tonight, but I did plate a few things and opened a few things too. I sliced up some of my chicken too. The table was just about as loaded as it was yesterday too. We all sat around and ate. K really got into the crackers today. I didn’t really mind, it’s just that other people would like some too!

We finished F’s cake tonight too and after that, I cleared the table and did the dishes. 

Next up for us was to go for groceries. I changed to go out and then F and I drove off to Mina. I did some grocery shopping and then we came back to the house. 

We headed upstairs and I realized that my usual Tuesday night show wasn’t on, so I watched something off the Fire Stick. I watched the second episode of Deadloch. It was funny-ish. 

And that’s basically my day. I had a great time with my friend and dinner was quite nice and not too hard to put on the table either. Yay.

Tomorrow I’m cooking again, but nothing too strenuous. I’m not sure what else I’m going to get up to.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Wednesday.  Until tomorrow…. 

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