December 27, 2023

Wednesday - Warmish and cloudy

I woke up when F got up this morning, but I fell asleep again. I got up a couple of hours later and went downstairs. I got dressed and then went back to bed and took a bit of a nap.

When I got up again I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast and some mail. I came back upstairs and relaxed while I ate. 

I had a quiet morning and early afternoon. I watched some of the news and a little too much YouTube as well. I went downstairs around 3 to get my lunch and while I was there the doorbell rang. F had a delivery and I was able to accept it for him. Yay for that!

I went upstairs again and texted F that his delivery arrived. He was happy to hear it. While I ate my lunch I watched an episode of The Closer. It was rather a good one. 

F called around 5:15 and said he was on his way. I went downstairs a little before 6 and F still hadn’t arrived. 

I got everything just about ready to go and then when he arrived I could just turn up the stove and start my air fryer. Tonight we had hamburg patties with French fries, salad and spaghetti salad. Dinner was quite good except no one ate very much. F did his usual only eating a tiny portion so he could make himself ramen later. That is so annoying. 

After dinner, I did the dishes and then I cleaned out the fridge and the old bento boxes. When F does cooking on the weekend, he forgets that he has leftovers too to give his mother. It’s sad because I have to throw them out after a few days. 

It took a while and I was rather tired when I had finished. We had two bags in the kitchen, which was extra for us. I went upstairs when I was done.

I rested and relaxed for a bit and then after F came up I started to go downstairs. However, I remembered that I had garbage up here to send out as well. There won’t be any garbage for a week due to the New Year Holiday, so it was important to get as much out now as we could.

I left my half of the bag with F for him to fill up and I went downstairs and took a shower. I had hoped to watch something when I came back but wasn’t able to as it was a bit late. I did suggest to F that we check out the light installation in Fujishima tomorrow. If he isn’t too tired, we could go and look at it as the weather should be okay.

I watched more YouTube and started blogging. I’m now up to date with you all!

I’m hoping to do a bit of laundry tomorrow as F will be off for a few days after tomorrow and I won’t get a lot of time to do laundry when he’s around most likely!

That’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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