Wednesday - Snowy, cold and windy
I didn’t talk to F at all last night but went to bed a tad earlier than I have been lately. I turned off the lights, finished my novel and then went to sleep. Unfortunately, I woke up just before 7 am and had to make a trip downstairs. I came back to bed just as F’s alarm was going off. I got into bed, pulled my covers up and ignored him. I eventually fell back asleep after he left.
I woke up again a bit after 9 and I got up. I haven’t done that for a long time! I got dressed and went on with my day. I had a fairly quiet day of it, except for the garage being demolished just around the corner. It is gone now so I wonder what will take its place. I have a feeling someone will build a house there, so there will be more noise…hopefully, they’ll wait until spring so I can get out easily and avoid it!
I had breakfast and lunch. There wasn’t much for lunch as I hadn’t gotten a salad last night. While I was making my lunch I was surprised to get a text from F. He’d booked a ryokan for my birthday. I was astonished as I’m generally not a huge fan of ryokans. However, this Ryokan seems really nice. I looked it up online and I have actually been there before, for a craft show. It has western style rooms and half western and half Japanese style rooms so we should both be happy. Apparently, we don’t eat in our room either, so that will be interesting. I was glad that F was communicating with me again. He had also said that he would be late tonight.
While I was eating lunch I watched another episode of The Closer. I really liked this episode. It was obviously setting up a recurring bad guy and one of the detectives “changed sides”. I’m glad because in Major Crimes, he was such a good guy and in this series, he’s been a complete jerk so far.
I watched the news at 4 pm and then I watched a bit of other stuff on YouTube. I didn’t go down to the kitchen until nearly 6 pm.
When I went down, there wasn’t a lot of stuff that I could make. I had to heat up the leftovers from yesterday. I added some instant onion soup and some heated-up broccoli. I got everything out on the table and put some rice on our plates. K and I had a nice meal, at least I did. I think she was worried that F wasn’t back yet, but it was fine.
I cleared the table and then F came back from work. He wasn’t terribly friendly which really surprised me since he was nice by text!
I washed the dishes. It was a pain because F was walking back and forth to get things out for his meal. I had offered to move aside and let him have the kitchen, but he said I didn’t have to. However, on one of his passes behind me, he accidentally hip-checked me which wasn't pleasant.
When I finished the dishes I did up the garbage and put it in the genkan. After that, I came upstairs and sorted out my garbage up here. I left my bag open for F. I changed my clothes and then a few minutes later went downstairs. F was getting ready to go out, so I took the two garbage bags out to the gomi station.
We got in the car and went to Mina. I went in by myself and picked up a few things for the next couple of days. I hope I got the right things! F had requested a few snacks and something for breakfast. I got him a few things.
We came back to the house and put away the groceries. F was actually helpful for a change. I went upstairs and relaxed for a bit. After that, I went back downstairs and took a shower. It was very cold in the room. Brrr.
When I came upstairs, I watched a show off the Fire Stick and then turned off the TV when I finished. F was looking at the internet and said that he’d found another listing for the ryokan that was a lot cheaper. I think he has cancelled the first reservation and then made a new, cheaper one. I don’t know.
Anyway, that’s about it for me. Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow, come back and find out. I imagine there’ll be some snow in my day as it has been forecast all night.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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