Monday - Cloudy and a bit cool
I went to bed rather late last night. I had a long blog entry to write! I decided that since we didn’t have any plans for the morning, I was going to wake up when I naturally would wake up, with no alarms. I did wake up a few times, but F was gone. I managed to go back to sleep and didn’t get up until 11 ish. It was lovely!
I got up and got dressed. A while later, F came upstairs later and asked if I wanted to go for brunch. I said yes. We decided that we’d go to one restaurant and went out in the car. On the way, F suggested going somewhere else better and I was fine with that! We went to Yunohama 100 Years Kitchen in Yunohama. It was nice. F had their meat dish and I had some pasta with a salt base. It was good.
After lunch, we came back to Tsuruoka and did some grocery shopping. I did it with F staying in the car, which was fine by me. We went to Gyomu Supa and I picked up a few things that I wanted to try. After that, we went to the regular grocery store and I got food for the next few days.
F was really tired. While I was sleeping, he was busy. He is cutting down a tree in the yard. It has died and both his mother and I want him to hire someone to do it with the proper equipment, but F is doing it by himself. He has managed to cut off most of the branches and it looks like he got a bit off the top today. The bad thing, and it isn’t good, is that he hasn’t cleaned up the branches. He’s dumped them in the places where I put the snow when I shovel it. It’s only February, there is a chance that there will be more snow this year.
I put the groceries away and F was still in the car. I went out to see if he was okay and to get him out of the car. He finally did, but he came upstairs and went to have a nap!
He made dinner for his mother later on and then we talked about dinner for us. He suggested that we go for keiten sushi and that was fine with me. We went out and went to Kappa Sushi. The restaurant was busy, but we were seated right away. F does what he always does, and starts trying to order things right away. I’d rather look at the menu for a few minutes and relax but he wants to order and he always picks expensive things that I don’t want to get!
We ordered a few plates of food and ate. We shared some fries. Well, F did have a few, but I ate most of them. In the end, I decided to have dessert. They had a pistachio sandwich. It was basically two small pancakes with pistachio ice cream inside it. It was quite nice. Not sure if I’ll ever have it again. Maybe.
When we finished, we went back to the grocery store so F could get something for his ramen! I stayed in the car this time. We got back to the house and when I was in the kitchen I realized I hadn’t got anything for K’s lunch tomorrow. I know it sounds mean, but she doesn’t eat a lot of what we buy her to eat, so we end up throwing it out and wasting it. That annoys me a lot! Never fear, if I see her, I’ll offer to make her something, but I don’t know if I will or not.
Around 11 pm I turned on the TV and then I watched the latest episode of Project Runway. It was a good episode and I think the right person won.
I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. I really should get a start on my laundry since I didn’t do enough last week. I also need to get started on my column.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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