February 13, 2024

Tuesday - Clear and sunny

I went to bed a tad early last night so when F made a lot of noise in the room this morning, I didn’t get upset with him. I asked him what was wrong. He’d lost his car keys AGAIN. I asked him if he wanted his spare set and he said yes, so I had to get up and get them. I knew where they were so no big deal. 

I went downstairs, then came back upstairs and got dressed. I went back to bed for a couple of hours. When I got up the next time, I did a couple of loads of laundry. One of the times I was downstairs, I went to check the mail and I saw the shadow of someone trying to open the front door. It was F! He’d come back for a few minutes to try to find his key. 

He went upstairs and did find them. He’d put them in another pair of work pants but had changed the pants at the last minute. He gave me back the spare set and I put it away again. After that, F went back to work.

I watched the news on TV and some videos on YouTube. I hung up a lot of clothes and towels all over our room. 

When I went down to get my lunch, K was knocking about. I felt really guilty since yesterday I hadn’t bought anything for her lunch today. She had eaten her breakfast, but there wasn’t too much in the kitchen for her. I gave her some leftover pasta heated up and I noticed later that she had eaten some of the fish she’d left on the table. 

I came down to cook dinner and got started. Tonight I did a simple dinner, but we had quite a lot of dishes, so it was quite nice. We had basil chicken in the toaster oven, bibinba rice, broccoli and salad. I even served dessert tonight, milk pudding from Hokkaido and some lovely raspberries. It was appreciated but for some reason, we had a lot of leftovers afterwards. 

I did the dishes and then went upstairs to relax. I took a shower…I swear there is something wrong with the water heater as I turned it much higher than I usually do and it was still not hot. 

I watched FBI: International at 11 and then the TV went off. I spent most of the show and a long while afterwards wrapping up a present for a friend of mine. It’s her Christmas present. I just wasn’t able to do a lot of shopping in December. I spent a bit too long going over the online registration for the package. It’s not the easiest, but it should be okay. 

Tomorrow I’m planning to go to an early movie and since the cinema is near the main post office, I intend to kill two birds with one bus ride if you know what I mean!

So, that’s about it for me. Wish me luck getting up and getting out of the house early. Until tomorrow….

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