February 11, 2024

Sunday - Snowy then clear

I woke up early this morning and made a trip downstairs. F was in bed using his computer. That means that he woke up quite early. I went back to sleep and had a hard time dragging myself out of bed after my alarms started going off. 

We decided that we would try going to Costco today so F went shopping to get some food for K. He made her some breakfast too. 

We took a while to get ready and it was after 10:30 before we left the house. Sigh. That meant we were too late for breakfast at Gusto. F took me over to Komeda and even though it was too late for breakfast when we got there, they let us order it. They have a free breakfast thing with coffee in the morning. It’s either a bun or half a piece of toast with a topping. It was nice, but a little small. I told F that I would still need to stop at a convenience store to get something for breakfast!

We stopped in Kushibiki and both F and I got some stuff to eat. We got back on the road and ate while we drove. We used the highway and it was quite snowy. At one point, F detoured into a parking area to clean off the car’s sensors. That wasn’t a problem, what was a problem was that F left the parking area and turned the wrong way! He headed us back to Tsuruoka! I told him and he believed me. We had to drive a bit on the highway until we found a place where he could turn around. 

I snoozed most of the rest of the way to Yamagata. I woke up when F turned into the Sagae rest area. We walked around a little and used the washrooms, then went back to the car. I suggested having lunch fairly soon as lunchtime would be over and we’d get hungry otherwise. 

F took us to a yakiniku place. He didn’t take us to the good one that we usually go to, he took us to another place. It was okay. F ordered food that I didn’t want, which honestly made me quite upset. I really had a different idea and I actually told him what I wanted and he ordered something else. Rather than cause a fuss, I didn’t say anything, but I was rather annoyed. 

We ended up at the Aeon Mall for a few minutes. I got some socks and then went to Kaldi for some of my rooibos tea. I picked up another couple of things and then checked out. F and I went over to 3 Coins and bought a few things there. That was it for us. We decided to leave the mall. 

I needed to use the washroom, so I suggested that he go back to the car and I’d meet him in a few minutes. I took the escalators up to the roof and came out of the doors of the mall only to see F walking around in front of me looking very confused! He hadn’t found the car yet! I laughed at him and led him straight to the car. It was on the other side of the building. 

We drove to Costco and it took a while before we could get a parking space. However, we got one finally and went in. F came with me and pushed the buggy. It was quite busy for the first little while. We looked for things that my friend asked for, but didn’t find what she wanted, and then looked for something his co-worker asked for. We didn’t get that either because it was big and a bit expensive. 

We started going down the aisles as I had originally wanted and I found a few things along the way. F got tired and wanted to go to the car. I suggested that he just go to the Food Court area and take a seat. That’s what he did (happily!)

I continued shopping and picked up a lot of stuff. Well, sort of. I got more guacamole, some cheese (my precious Havarti and some feta), some puddings, some raspberries, some Brussels sprouts, and some snacks. I decided I was finished and went to the cash registers. I had all the things out on the conveyor belt and I went to my pocket to grab my Costco card…and it wasn’t there. Ack. it wasn’t in my pants pocket, or my jacket pocket or my wallet. What to do?  I called F and asked him to come over quickly and bring his card so we could get the groceries. He did that. Whew! 

We took the stuff out to the car and packed it at the car. It’s so much easier doing it that way for us. Then, we went back into the building. F got in line at the customer service and I went to the washroom. He was still in line when I came back. Basically, I got a new card. I don’t know what happened to mine. It was in my pocket with my phone, and I had my phone out a few times so maybe it stuck to the phone and then fell off?  I had it when I went into the shop as I had shown it to the clerk at the door. 

F and I decided to have a light snack and a drink. I went to get them. We each had a sundae of chocolate hazelnut swirl ice cream and a soft drink. The ice cream was amazing, but the drink and the ice cream made me so cold I didn’t warm up for ages. 

We went back to the car and started the trek back to Tsuruoka. We did stop in Yamaya and I picked up a couple of things for the kitchen and F picked up some of his adult beverage and a few other things. 

We got onto the highway soonish afterwards and made a stop at Sagae again. We were able to see a bit of the illuminations tonight…the trees and some structures looked gorgeous, but we weren’t able to go over and see them.

Back in the car, we drove back to Tsuruoka. I fell asleep again and was surprised when F said we were nearly back. He suggested dinner in a local restaurant, but as it was past 9pm I didn’t think it would be open. It wasn’t. I said that we should just take everything back to the house and unpack, check on his mum, and then go out for dinner. 

At the house, I took some of the stuff in and ended up unpacking most of the groceries. I didn’t buy a huge amount this trip so it didn’t take too long. I took a load of stuff upstairs and then brought down the kerosene tank. I filled the tank and left it by the stairs. 

F was in the washroom and was taking forever so I reminded him that it was late and if we wanted dinner we needed to leave soon. I suggested Gusto and that’s where we went.

We squeaked in just before the last order, so we got to have our dinner. I had a hamburger done stew style and a plate of fries which I shared with F. He had some chicken with rice. I’m so glad that I didn’t have rice as I’ve eaten too much of it over the last few days. I don’t like it much at the best of times. 

We were the last customers in the restaurant and of course, I had to nudge F to leave. He was quite happy with his internet and a warm place to sit. We left and came back to the house. 

F brought up the kerosene tank for me and I brought up the rest of my stuff. It’s taken ages for the room to get anywhere close to warm and now I have to turn off the heater and go to bed!

No idea what we’ll get up to tomorrow, you might want to come back and find out. Until tomorrow…. 

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