Wednesday - Sunny and warm!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I woke up just after F left for work today, in fact, I think I heard the beeping of his car key. I went downstairs and then went back to bed for a while. My alarm wasn’t due to go off for a while yet. I checked the times it was set for and had a snooze.
My alarm went off again around 9 and I dragged myself out of bed a little later. I didn’t really want to get up! However, I did get up and got myself dressed. I went downstairs around 10:20, said goodbye to K and walked quickly to the bus stop. I did have to wait for about 5 minutes, but it was nice outside so it was fine.
The bus came and I got on. I had a quick and pleasant ride to my stop. I got off the bus and went into the post office. I managed to send my package and make a small deposit to my post office account too. Yay for me.
After that, I walked over to Machi-kine and went to see The Lost King. While I was waiting in the lobby another patron started talking to me. She was a nice lady who lived in the next city. She spoke good English and we had a nice chat about Britain and Canada and local history too.
The movie started and there were a few people in the cinema. It was a quiet little movie and I enjoyed it. I didn’t LOVE it, but it had its moments. It was based on a true story and was enjoyable. Part of it was set in Edinburgh and it was lovely seeing some of the sights again.
After the movie I said goodbye to the lady, she was on her way back to Sakata. I went back to the bus stop I got off at and waited for a bus. I was lucky and there was one in a couple of minutes. I took the bus to S-Mall and then went to check out the Daiichi Hotel’s restaurant. They were serving lunch until 2:30, with the last order at 2:00pm. I went in at 1:50. I ordered the daily special which was chicken and vegetable penne pasta gratin. I also ordered tea afterwards with milk. The penne was great and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, when they brought my tea, they brought it with lemon on the side. I had asked for milk. It was a different waitress so I didn’t get angry or anything, but I was sad about it. The waitress took it back and brought back more (or the same?) tea in a couple of minutes with milk. I did ask for milk! I paid and left after I finished.
I did a little checking out of stores in the mall. I bought a few things in the hundred yen shop, but nothing in the music/movies shop or the grocery store. I did go to the bakery for a couple of treats. I bought a little treat for K because it was Valentine’s Day and I felt sorry for her.
I caught a bus back to the house at 3:30. Again, it was a nice quiet ride. I got off at the nearest stop and walked back to the house.
I left K’s treat on the table for her and then went upstairs. I was just in time to watch some of the news and then I relaxed for a bit. I went downstairs close to 6 pm to start dinner. It was a bit hectic for a while. Tonight we had pork saute with baked potatoes, salad, cold beets and sautéed mushrooms. We even had dessert, chocolate cake and raspberries. It was good. K didn’t eat too much because she had the treat I got her, and F is on some crazy diet kick.
I did the dishes and it took forever. Well, it just seemed to be forever! When I was done with the dishes I did up the kitchen garbage so that we could take it out.
I wanted to ask F if we could not go out tonight, but decided I should. We went to MaxValu as our usual place was closed. I picked up some salad-type stuff and things for breakfast for F and K.
We came back to the house and I put away the groceries then came upstairs. I watched Slow Horses again and discovered that it was the last episode of the first season. Yay. That means I have two more seasons to watch. When it finished, I turned off the TV. F had an early night. He’s really tired tonight and honestly, so am I! I don’t really want to set an alarm for tomorrow morning, but I suppose I had better.
Oh, and I gave F the chocolates that I had bought for him last month. I think he liked them, but he also felt guilty as he didn’t get me anything. I don’t mind too much, but I have just warned him a couple of times NOT to get me alcoholic chocolates. I don’t like them. I ate the ones he gave me last year…in December. The alcohol had disappeared but they were still awful. I didn’t eat them all and threw most of them away. Yuck.
So, that’s about it for me for today. It was a good day, but I’m quite tired. Come back later if you like and hear about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….
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