Thursday - Cloudy, with rain and thunderstorms
I slept in this morning. Yay! I woke up a bit after F left I think, went downstairs and then did my silly thing of getting dressed and going back to bed. I meant to only go back for an hour or so, but it was rather late when I got up.
I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast and then came upstairs to eat it. I watched the news and then a bit of YouTube. I was a few minutes late going downstairs to grab my lunch but when I did, I was surprised to see F coming out of the washroom. I had no idea he was even here! He had just popped in for a couple of minutes. He left a few minutes later.
I went back upstairs with my lunch and watched an episode of Fringe today. While I was eating and watching, I felt the earth move, literally! I felt an earthquake, I think that it was outside Niigata, but it wasn’t very strong here.
F called me after 5:30 to say he was on his way back. It took me a while to get downstairs and he had arrived about the same time. I went into the kitchen to get started. F filled up our kerosene tank for upstairs and then decided that he should buy kerosene tonight. He asked if I wanted to come, but I was planning to take a shower, so said no.
Tonight I roasted some vegetables in the air fryer and then added in some wieners at the end. It took a while to get it all done and I didn’t start early enough. Sigh. Still, when everything was cooked and ready, I got it on the table and we had a decent meal. Along with the veggies and wieners we had some salad and beets. We finished up the raspberries tonight and we had it with a little bit of chocolate cake. We all had seconds on the cake tonight.
I did the dishes and it didn’t take as long as it did last night. I was still quite tired afterwards. F went off to get kerosene while I did the dishes.
I decided that I wouldn’t have my shower tonight. I wanted to be able to relax tonight, but I thought that a shower wouldn’t help that much.
Oh, and F gave me some chocolates tonight as my Valentine’s Day present. He was quite surprised last night when I gave him his chocolates. My box is quite nice. It has cookies as well as chocolates. I gave F his choice tonight and he took a cookie.
I watched The Rookie tonight and it was fine. The show is getting a bit better and I enjoy watching it. The characters have grown on me.
F went to bed around midnight and of course, I’m still up. I do plan to get to bed really soon though.
I haven’t started my column yet. I just don’t have any ideas of what to do. The topic of the Journal isn’t one that lends itself to movies though. I think I’ll have to do something else.
Anyway, that’s about it for me for tonight. Come back later if you like and hear about my Friday. Until tomorrow….
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