August 30, 2024

Friday - Hot and Sunny, humid too

I woke up this morning just after F left this morning, but was able to fall asleep again until my alarm went off. I got up, went downstairs and then came back upstairs and had a little longer snooze too. 

I got up finally and took a load of laundry downstairs and started it in the washing machine. Then, I grabbed my breakfast and took it upstairs to eat. I watched a little YouTube and the news as well. I hung up the laundry and relaxed a bit.

I grabbed my lunch and brought it upstairs to eat. I was happily watching my daily episode of Major Crimes when F called. He’d already finished work. He’d planned to take one hour off work but ended up taking two off. Woot. We agreed that he’d go and find a couple of bentos for his mother, one for dinner tonight, one for breakfast tomorrow. 

The nice thing about F taking extra time off was that he didn’t have to rush to get ready. I didn’t either. I decided not to dress up since he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, I wore jeans and a shirt. The taxi arrived a little early but K went into the washroom just as I was going to use it, so I had to wait to leave!

We had a good if long trip to The Grand El Sun and were able to go to the Beer Hall right away. We checked in and were given our table assignment. We were lucky enough to have a small table right at the front for ourselves. Most people had big tables that they had to share with other people.

The food was pretty good, it was buffet-style. The only problem was that the first time I went up there wasn’t any fried chicken and most of the paella was already gone! F went off to get himself beer and I grabbed him some paella. We did that a few times over the night, we would grab food for the other person. It worked out well. F had a lot to drink, and I had no alcohol. Not a problem. I had some water and a couple of oolong teas so I was fine. Oh, and some non-alcohol sparkling wine…basically grape juice! They had some special food available at times, there was roast beef and cold shabu-shabu and a while later there was ramen. F had quite a bit of that!

We called a taxi just before 8 pm because the party was over at 8:15, so we walked towards the door so we could get our taxi. We had to wait a few minutes and were able to talk to some of the staff at The Grand El Sun. Some of them helped us with our wedding, so they were quite happy to see us. They had to work very hard for me because I didn’t speak Japanese (and still don’t) and I was also a plus-size bride which wasn’t a usual thing back then! Probably still isn’t, but times are changing in Japan. 

The taxi came and we came back to the house. We briefly talked about going somewhere else, but F had a lot to drink and I thought going to karaoke would be tough on a Friday night without a reservation. 

K was still up so we said hello and then came upstairs. We just relaxed for the rest of the evening. I took a nap for 40 minutes and then got up and did the computer thing. I also watched the last episode of Season 4 of The Boys. It was good and horrible and terrible all at once. I enjoyed it, but now I have to wait for the next season. Darn it. 

And that’s about it for my day. It was pretty good and I hope that we are able to have a decent weekend. I’m not sure if we’ll see a movie or not, I just hope we don’t argue. We do have plans for Sunday, so that will be good. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow….

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