September 15, 2024

Sunday - Rainy and humid, cooler

I woke up this morning around 6 am. I was freezing. F got up, turned on the AC and was playing on his computer. I woke up and went downstairs and used the washroom. When I returned upstairs, I tried to put my coat over my towelket so I wouldn’t get the wind from the AC on my bare arms. F turned off the AC which isn’t what I wanted really! I fell back to sleep and then woke up a lot later and ended up getting up and dressing.

We had a reservation for 12:00 at a local Japanese-style restaurant, so we drove off in the car with K. We probably went in the wrong door, but went upstairs and after the restaurant found our reservation, were seated. We had a lovely meal. It did seem small to both F and I, but K enjoyed it and that’s all that matters. 

Sashimi, rice, miso soup, tamagoyaki, seaweed, and grilled yellowtail. Yum.

Panorama view of lunch. It was very nice. 

Coffee (half a cup) and hoji-cha ice cream. 

After our meal F paid and I walked K out to the car and got her in the back seat. We brought her back to the house and a few minutes later, F and I went out.

First up we went to AU, our cellphone provider, to see if we could see the new iPhones. We could look but we didn’t have an appointment and they were busy so didn’t want to know us. They asked us to come back in a week or two. I think it is a good idea anyway. I’m in no hurry for a new phone, but F actually is having problems with his, so it might be a good thing for him.

We left soon after we arrived. We did scope out a few iPhones but haven’t made up our minds yet about them.

Our next destination was the gas station and then Yamaya. I wanted to pick up a few things for the kitchen and F got himself some beer. Oh, I bought a Japanese type of root beer. It sounded interesting!

I suggested going out to Yunohama to have coffee at a restaurant there. F liked the idea, so off we went. When we arrived, the rain really came up strong so we sat in the car for about 10 minutes before the rain suddenly stopped on us. We made a dash for the restaurant and were seated near the window so we could watch the ocean. We looked at the menu and decided we’d have cake and a drink. F had the chocolate cake and I had a cheese terrine. He had coffee and I had a cafe mocha. Mine was very nice, and so was F’s!

Cafe Mocha and cheese terrine

We came back to Tsuruoka and went to Pal, the shopping center to pick up stuff for K’s dinner. F was going to cook her something and then we ended up getting her a bento instead.

We headed back to the house and F fed his mother. I went upstairs because I was hot and wanted to cool down. 

F came up after he fed his mother and we talked about our dinner. F said he wouldn’t mind going to a family restaurant which surprised me. We went out to the car and on the way to somewhere, he suggested going to karaoke. I wasn’t sure if he wanted to go, but he said he would. I thought we wouldn’t get in as it was a holiday weekend, but we tried and….we got in!

We got a room right away and we went in. We looked at the menu and ordered a few things. As usual, I had to rein F in because he wanted to order everything, but it was fine. I had a lot of fun, but I did so much singing that I nearly lost my voice at the end. F pooped out about halfway through our time. He did okay though. 

After karaoke, we came back to the house. Eventually, I took a shower and a bit later, F did too. I didn’t watch any TV today, but that’s okay. I was out and about for most of the day and that was wonderful!

Anyway, that was my day. It was quite nice. Tomorrow F and I have a fancy dinner planned for our anniversary day two. F is also off work on Tuesday so we need to come up with something to do then. Hopefully, it’ll be fun. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…. 

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