September 14, 2024

Saturday - Hot and humid, muggy

I slept in this morning and it was lovely. F got up early and took care of his mother and took her to her daycare.  I went downstairs a bit later and he was cleaning his fish tank. Bleck. 

I came back upstairs and got dressed. Around 12:30 or so F came upstairs and asked about lunch. I reminded him about my suggestions last night, places we could go to have a nice lunch for our anniversary. F picked my favourite one and gave them a call to see if we could get in. 

We drove out to Mikawa and went to Bistrot des Pointes. We had a lovely meal. We went for the Daily Special Meal and had kabocha soup, minute steak and veggies with either rice or bread. F and I had our usuals for that! We did pay extra for dessert which came with coffee. I had gateau chocola with strawberry ice and F had a special rice pudding thing. The meal was lovely. 

After we paid and left, we drove over to the Uniqlo and went in. I looked for the tank tops that I always wear and I got some. Yay. I didn’t get the great colours that I wanted though. They didn’t have colours in my size. 

We talked about where to go next and F suggested driving out to Asahi to go to the road stop. I was a bit worried we’d take too long going there and back, so F then suggested going to Kushibiki. We did that one as it wasn’t too far. We went to the Michi No Eki and visited the farmer’s market. We picked up a few things, I bought a cabbage, F got some negi and I also bought some popcorn that is made locally. At the end, we each got a peach and vanilla soft ice cream cone and ate those in the car. They were very nice.

We came back to the house but as we parked, I reminded F that we didn’t buy anything for K’s dinner. We ended up driving off again to the local grocery store. F got a few things for his mother and then we paid and left. Back at the house, F changed the batteries in one of our motion sensor lights and waited downstairs for his mother. I went upstairs.

I relaxed, watched some YouTube and chilled. Around 5 F came upstairs and wanted to know about dinner. Well, I wasn’t hungry yet. Neither was he, so what was he on about? I suggested waiting a bit. At 6 he asked again and I suggested asking me in 30 minutes. We decided to leave at 6:30, but of course, we left a bit later than that. We drove back out to Kushibiki to a little restaurant there. Although there were lights on when we got there, it had already closed for the day. 

We drove back into Tsuruoka and went to China House. We were able to get a table tonight. I decided to have mabo-dofu and and I did! F had a ramen/yakisoba thing and didn’t like it. Mine was great though. 

After our meal, we hit up Starbucks and we both had tea lattes. I had chamomile and F had English Breakfast. It wasn’t busy tonight so that was good for us. We were able to get a nice seat and it was lovely to stay there for a while, listen to music and read my book. 

All too soon F wanted to leave so we drove back to the house. I came upstairs and turned on the AC again. I ended up watching another episode of Gotham, quite forgetting that there was another show on TV that I had planned to watch. Oh dear!

It was a pretty good day if I’m honest. I really enjoyed myself for the most part. It was a nice way to spend our first anniversary day!

Tomorrow we are supposed to take K out for lunch. I’ve told F that he shouldn’t give her a big breakfast, I hope he remembers. 

Anyway, that’s it for me. Tomorrow I’ll update you and let you know all about my day. Probably! Until tomorrow…. 

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