September 17, 2024

Tuesday - Cloudy but hot and humid

I managed to get to bed at almost my usual time last night. I did sleep quite late this morning though. F got up and made breakfast for himself and his mother. Good on him!

I finally got up and a then F came upstairs and said that he wasn’t feeling that great. Oh dear. I let him lie down and relax for a while but after a while we decided that we’d try and get his car into the shop and then go to Cocos which is next to it. Well, we drove to the garage and it was closed today too. Oh dear. We just went to Cocos instead.

We got a table at Cocos and F ended up having something off the lunch menu. I did too, but that was the original plan anyway. We had a pretty nice meal at the restaurant. I had a chicken and nut salad, F had a burger, egg and shrimp thing. We shared an order of fries and they were awesome. Cocos has the best fries!

When we finished at Cocos, we drove off to the Kamo Aquarium. We were able to get a close parking space and got in right away. F had brought the wrong membership card, but the person at the door let him in anyway. We spent an hour or more going through the aquarium and taking a lot of photos of the cool jellyfish and other beasties. When we finished, the aquarium was closing for the night so we didn’t even have time to look at the gift shop. I was okay with that.

Sea Anemone

Looks a bit like a Starship!

We drove back to Tsuruoka and went to the PAL shopping area. I went into the grocery store and picked up groceries for the next couple of nights. I also got lunch for K and myself for tomorrow and a couple more days. I was in the store for a while. It got busy right as I was finished so I did have to wait in line for a few minutes. 

F and I came back to the house and he gave his mother the bento I had bought. I went upstairs and relaxed with my computer for a while. He came upstairs and said he had a headache. I get quite frustrated at times with him. It isn’t fair to him, but it’s always something. In the morning he felt dizzy, in the evening he had a headache. I’ve had headaches, I had one that didn’t go away for a month and I still had to do things!  Around 8pm I told him that if we were going to go out, we had to go right away! I suggested a restaurant he likes or a gyudon shop. On the way to the gyudon shop I said we could also try a sushi place. The best place was closing soon, so we ended up at Kappa Sushi instead.

We got a table right away and ordered some sushi for ourselves. I didn’t order fries tonight because we had them at lunch. We did have a bit of tempura and a lot of sushi. Some was fine, some was a bit meh. F also had some udon which surprised me. We both had dessert tonight too. They had a special one of caramel ice cream with a thick soy sauce, pudding and cream. It was quite nice. It was much nicer than it sounds!

We paid and then came back to the house. At the house, F stayed downstairs for a while. He set up the rice cooker for tomorrow’s dinner and did some ironing for himself. Then, he came upstairs. Meanwhile, I watched CSI: Las Vegas which was being rebroadcast tonight, then I watched FBI: International, the third season’s first episode. It was quite good, but one of the characters is leaving the show. Oh well. 

And honestly, that was my day. F goes back to work tomorrow and I have to go back to cooking dinner. Sigh. I really don’t want to, but I guess I have to!!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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