September 18, 2024

Wednesday - Muggy, hot, then rainy

I woke up suddenly this morning before my alarm. I made a trip downstairs and then came back upstairs. I watched a few videos on my phone before I went back to sleep. I was having a really interesting dream when F came back to the room. He brought me ice cream. I do not want ice cream before 10am! He didn’t stay too long and went back to work. 

I got up, dressed and brought my breakfast up to the room. I ate and watched some YouTube and some news. F came back again before 1:30.  He was waiting for the person he had to drive, so he couldn’t go back to the office and waiting in the car on a hot day isn’t really an option.

I did a load of laundry and relaxed a bit. I did offer F a cup of coffee but he turned me down today. I brought my clothes back up when they were clean and hung them up in the room. F left a bit before 2:30.  

A bit after 2:30, I went downstairs and grabbed my lunch. I brought it upstairs and ate while I watched an episode of Major Crimes. I enjoyed both my lunch and the show. I think I’m getting into episodes that I’ve seen before, so I’m not sure if I’m going to continue it. I do love the show though. 

At 4 I watched the news and then some YouTube. After 5 pm F called to say he was on the way back, so I changed and went downstairs to start dinner. 

I got stuck into dinner planning and tonight I made a few things and I just plated or opened others! We had lemon salt chicken from the toaster oven, rice (which F made), cucumber pickle stuff, potato salad, local wild green salad, and mixed veggies from the freezer. Dinner was actually pretty good and nearly everything disappeared. 

I did the dishes afterwards and that took a while but I was listening to my podcasts so at least it was enjoyable. After that, I did the garbage in the room. That was less enjoyable, but it had to be done. 

When I finished I went upstairs with a can of root beer and enjoyed that. F was still downstairs for a while. He came upstairs around 10:30 and I went downstairs just after to take my shower. 

I came back upstairs just after 11pm and put on Wild Cards. It was slightly silly but quite entertaining. I quite enjoy the Canadian-ness of it!

And that’s about it for my day. Since midnight I’ve been watching YouTube with my headphones on and doing stuff on my computer. I’m going to go to bed soon.

I’m not sure what I’ll be up to tomorrow. I’ll probably do a bit of shopping in the evening and of course I’ll be cooking dinner. Won’t that be fun?  

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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