September 30, 2024

Monday - Muggy, hot and a bit humid

I woke up early but fell back asleep. F went downstairs and made breakfast for his mother and didn’t leave until a bit before 11. He was supposed to go to the doctor so I was surprised he hadn’t left earlier. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. I went on my computer and a little while later F came back. I asked him when his other doctor was opening after lunch and he said he wasn’t going to go. Sigh. Why? He had the chance. I get it, but I don’t want him to suffer until the weekend or whenever.

We talked about lunch and I suggested going to the Grand El Sun. It’s a nice place, the food is good, it is a bit expensive, but not outrageously so. We left the house and went there. We were able to get a table and order. Today we both had the same thing, the grilled pork. It came with soup, a starter plate and drink bar. It was really nice. It wasn’t without drama though. When we were nearly done with our meal, F spilled a glass of water (I think) all over the table. We asked a waitress for a cloth and between the three of us got most of it cleaned up. There was some on the floor under the table and since the basket for purses and hats was under the table too, it got quite a bit of water in it. I’m so glad I didn’t put my purse there today. I usually do!

We went off to the Chido Museum next. We have a membership so we didn’t have to pay to get in. We went and saw the exhibit of handmade models of old Japanese buildings and villages. They were well done and quite interesting. 

After the Chido, we got a bento for K. We went to the nice place by Togashi Yakiniku. We brought it back to the house and F gave it to K. She seemed pleased.

We left a little while later to go grocery shopping. F came into the shop with me again. I have to be honest, I find it so annoying when he does that! If I ask if he’d like something for dinner he says he doesn’t care or it’s okay or something so non-committal that it is the opposite of helpful! I’m going to do tacos tomorrow and chicken on Wednesday, probably! I might mix it up a bit.

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away with some interference! F half unpacks the bag but has no idea where to put stuff. He forgets that I have to hide things from his mother or they’ll be opened and/or eaten. Anyway, it all got done and then I went upstairs. He stayed downstairs for a while.

F came back upstairs around 6 I think and just relaxed on the bed. A bit after 7 I suggested that we do the dinner thing. I didn’t want to suggest anything too expensive since lunch was a little spendy. F made a couple of suggestions. Unfortunately, the first one was closed tonight according to Google Maps, and the second one was a place I don’t like. However, I agreed to go there. 

We went to Midori Shokudo. I haven’t been there in years. I didn’t like it before because the food isn’t that great AND they give you too much of it. Nothing has changed! F had the tonkatsu teishoku and I had the kara-age teishoku. We swapped half of our meats with each other and it was too much food. The food was okay, but honestly, it is the perfect place for teenage boys or college kids who can only afford one meal a day or something. F liked it more than I did. I hope he doesn’t make me go there again for a long, long time. 

On the way back to the house we stopped in at the grocery store to buy a couple of things that I had forgotten to buy earlier. Our milk was old, so I got new, and I picked up something for K’s evening if she needed it. F got himself something too. When he was paying, the woman suggested that he redeem some of his point card money. I was a tad annoyed since last year at Christmas I redeemed a bunch of MY points and tried to get him to do the same and he wouldn’t. 

We came back to the house. I came upstairs and relaxed. I watched a bit of YouTube and then decided to watch a movie. I watched The Hustle with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson. I liked Anne Hathaway, wasn’t too big on Rebel Wilson. She’s a bit over the top. The movie had a few chuckles, but I’m glad I didn’t spend extra money on it. I’m glad I watched it when I did because it finished just after midnight and they have taken it off Prime!

And basically, that was my day. I’m a little sad that the weekend is over and that F is going back to work tomorrow. However, I have to be quite busy tomorrow. I need to do a ton of laundry before my trip on the weekend, and I need it to be dry before it goes in my suitcase!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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