Monday - Cold, snowy, windy and blah
I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I went downstairs and then came back upstairs and went back to bed for a while. The room was so dark that when I did wake up, I thought it was the middle of the night. It was dark outside!
I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs after I dressed. I prepared my breakfast and brought it upstairs to eat. I had a quiet afternoon basically. I watched a bit of the news, I watched a lot of YouTube. I even got a bit of knitting done. I think I did three rows today.
I was late going downstairs to pick up my lunch, but made the executive decision to watch a programme anyway instead of the news. I ended up watching Major Crimes and it was a tear-jerker one that was good for character building. I was quite verklempt at the end.
F called me after 5:15 and said he was finished work. He was on his way back to the house. I went downstairs and put my stuff in the kitchen. F had left the kitchen in a huge mess from the weekend again. I don’t know what is up with that. I leave the kitchen tidy and clean on Friday, he messes it up every weekend. Sigh. Even the “clean” dishes in the drainer weren’t that clean and had to be rewashed.
When F came back he wanted to serve his stewed daikon as part of dinner. I suggested that he come downstairs around 7 and prepare it, but he decided to do a lot of prep when I was already busy in the kitchen. I’m not sure what he was thinking! He left a few minutes later.
I got on with dinner. Tonight I did yuzu-pepper chicken in the toaster oven, plated some potato salad and we had some baby leaf salad too. I washed that one. I had planned some broccoli too, but since F was serving his daikon, decided not to do any.
I called F down to heat up his vegetable and I set the table. I put food on K’s plate, and on mine, and when F was ready we had a nice meal. The daikon was okay. I had told F early that I was leaving his dishes for him to do and he was mildly okay with that. His idea is to use as many dishes as possible when cooking, mine is as few as possible!
After dinner I cleared the table and left the daikon dishes on the table. F brought them through to the kitchen but didn’t put them for me to wash. Yay! To be honest, there wasn’t a whole lot of dishes, so I washed all of mine, dried them, and then washed a few of F’s dishes. I did the ones from the table and most of the cutlery. I left him the pans and the cutting board, so he didn’t have that much to do. I told him I was going upstairs, and then I did.
I relaxed for a bit and after 10 I went downstairs and took a shower. It was very nice. When I came back upstairs I watched an episode of Bad Monkey. Things are coming to a head, so I need to see the next episode soon.
That’s about it for me for today. This whole week we are supposed to have bad weather and it’s a bit depressing. Oh, but I have a column to write so I shouldn’t go anywhere anyway. I did get a bit written today, so that is good! Fingers crossed I do more tomorrow too.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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