Tuesday - Cold, snowy and icy. Brr....
I woke up around 7:30 this morning. It was cold. I had to go downstairs, so I did that. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw F outside. He was probably getting ready to leave.
I went back upstairs, found my clothes for the day and put them near the bed. Then, I got back into bed and watched a few videos on my phone before falling asleep again.
I woke up again when F came back for a few minutes. He stopped in to get some medicine. I was snoozing and a bit embarrassed, but it is what it is. He left and I went back to sleep. I did wake up about an hour later and this time I got up and dressed. I went downstairs and checked the snow situation. There was a bit, so I went outside and cleared some snow for a while. It was a bit colder than usual.
I came back into the house when I was done and made my breakfast. I went upstairs to eat and watch YouTube and the news.
A bit after 2 I remembered that I hadn’t done my laundry, so I had to get on that! I ended up doing two loads today. I hope to do more soon though.
I went downstairs to make my lunch. I just had my usual, but I had run out of sliced chicken yesterday, so I had to use real leftover chicken on my toast! I came upstairs to eat my lunch, hang up a load of laundry and watch a show. Today I watched an episode of So Help Me Todd. It was fine, but I lost the plot in the middle.
F phoned after 5:15 to say he was on his way back, but the roads were slippery. I told him to drive carefully and that I’d go and start dinner fairly soon. I was a bit longer, but did go downstairs!
Tonight I made hamburgers from scratch and they were great! I also microwaved some vegetables, and we also had rice, potato salad and salad. Dinner was quite good except K tried to give F half of her burger. I told her that hers was a small one and F told her that he didn’t want hers either.
I went into the kitchen and washed the dishes. I got things done and then went out to see if F was ready to go to the store. I needed a few minutes to change my clothes and he needed to get his jacket and keys.
We went to Mina and the roads were quite slippery. I asked him not to go by the river because I’m always paranoid that we’d end up in the river! He obliged. At the store, we dumped the recyclables and then went shopping. While I was buying stuff, I asked F if he had a request and he asked about me making a pork stew. I was a little unhappy about that because it takes a lot of work for me to do it. Still, I decided to try. I got a stew roux and the ingredients so hopefully I’ll make some on Thursday night.
We came back to the house and I put away the groceries. I came back upstairs thinking I’d start warming up the room for F, but discovered that the heater was almost out of kerosene. I took the tank downstairs and filled it up. That was a pain, but better than running out at midnight!
We had a quiet evening in. I watched FBI: Most Wanted and then turned off the TV. The DVR recorded tonight’s episodes of The Walking Dead so I might be watching some of that tomorrow. Maybe!
That’s about it for me. Tomorrow I have to work more on my column. I did a bit today, but more is needed. I may have to go out and shovel some snow as well. I’m sad to say that we are in a bad weather system at the moment and it is cold.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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