March 14, 2025

 Friday - Sunny, cool, and very windy

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I went downstairs and then came back up to the room and napped a little longer. I finally dragged myself out of bed and then got dressed. I went downstairs and made my breakfast, then returned to the room to eat. I got ready after I ate.

I went downstairs and then left the house. I wasn’t sure what time it was so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time as I was walking to the bus stop. I noticed then that I didn’t have my Suica card to pay for my bus. I had put it in my pocket before I left the house. I very quickly backtracked and saw it lying on the ground in front of the house. It must have come out of my pocket while I was pulling my phone out. I was already a little pressed for time, so I had to do a quick march to the bus stop. I made it! Whew!

I took the bus to S-Mall and went into the mall. I decided to have lunch first. I went to the newly re-opened grocery store and bought a cheap drink, then went to Pizza Hut and ordered a Pizza Meltz. It arrived after a while and I ate. It wasn’t healthy food, but it was really good. I read a bit while I was eating. 

I was starting to worry about time so I headed back to the bus station and checked my Map app. It said that I had just missed one bus, but the bus that was at the gate would take me where I wanted to go! I jumped on and then double-checked that it really would go there!  It would. I got off across from the Main Post Office. 

I went into the post office and made another deposit to my account. Today was only 50 10 yen coins, but it was good to get rid of them! Sadly, it took about 25 minutes before I was able to leave the post office. The people before me were doing something that was very complicated I think.

From the post office, I walked over to Machi-ne Kinema. Today I was watching a Canadian movie called I Like Movies. It was fun. It was about a high school boy trying to figure out the rest of his life. He lived and breathed movies so got a job in a movie rental store. I liked it, I wouldn’t say that I loved it. I did like the Canadian outlook though!

After the movie, I went to the nearby drugstore again. I had almost an hour to wait before my bus came, so it was too cold to wait on the street for all that time. I looked around the drugstore and bought a few things for myself. I also got a couple of meal-type things for myself as I was getting a little peckish. Lunch was a long time ago, and was a little small. 

I walked back to the bus stop. I still had to wait for about 20 minutes, but it wasn’t too bad. When my bus came, I boarded and had a very uneventful ride back to my stop. I did see a new cafe on the way that is fairly near our area, so F and I will have to check it out. 

Back at the house, I went in. I switched on the heater in the kitchen for myself and then went upstairs. I ate my snacks and had a cup of tea.  F texted me to check that I was able to answer the phone. I texted back to him so he phoned me to say he was on the way and to ask if I needed anything. 

A few minutes later I went downstairs and started the heater in the living room. I got a slight start on dinner. A few minutes later, F came back to the house and we had a nice reunion. Sadly, F wasn’t feeling too well. His mother got herself up a few minutes later and we waved!

F headed upstairs and I stayed in the kitchen. F didn’t want to eat early tonight so I took a break in the middle. I started to cook the pasta a little later than I should have, but it was fine. When everything was ready and on the table, I called F but he didn’t answer. I had to go upstairs to call him. He was on his computer and didn’t hear.

Tonight we had pasta with cold sliced ham and a salad. The pasta sauce was from Kewpie and was a Garlic Mayo sauce. It was amazing. I had made extra pasta tonight, thinking I would have a lot of leftovers for my lunch on Monday. F had seconds, a big helping. K had seconds (she NEVER has seconds of pasta!) I had seconds. There was a tiny bit left for my Monday lunch, but not as much as I hoped. The sauce was very good. Highly recommended!

I did the dishes after dinner. I didn’t take too long, but did manage to listen to my movie podcast. I told F I was going upstairs and then went. Upstairs, I watched some YouTube and then a bit after 10 I went downstairs to take a shower. 

Back in the room, I watched another episode of The Great British Bake-Off. It was really good tonight, baking vegan cakes and tarts. I probably wouldn’t be able to do it, but I did work with aquafaba once upon a time. 

And that’s about it!  I did some crochet while I was watching TV. I’ll try and include a photo of what I’m doing in a day or two. I really like what I’m making, but it is really small at the moment. It is getting bigger though!

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. There aren’t any new English movies this weekend. I wouldn’t mind seeing something again, but I don’t think F is into that. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Saturday. Until tomorrow….

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