Sunday - Rainy and colder
I went to bed very late last night. It was hard to get out of bed this morning, but I finally did. I waited for F to see if he was going to go out for lunch, but he was busy downstairs. He was cleaning. When he gets in this jag, I just stay out of his way.
I went downstairs and asked if we were going to go out and he said it was okay. We had an appointment at 2 so we had to be back before then. At first, I suggested a North American fast food restaurant, but then asked F if he had any ideas. He wanted gyudon. We went to one of the restaurants and were able to get a seat at the counter. We had our gyudon and then headed back to the house.
K’s care manager came at 2 and we had an okay meeting. She seemed fascinated by me and kept asking either me or F questions about me. At one point I suggested that we get back to talking about K!
After the meeting, F asked if I wanted/needed to go out and of course I did! We needed to go to the grocery store. We did that.
F came in with me and we bought quite a lot of stuff. I finally splurged on some olive oil and bought stuff for dinner and breakfast for the next few days.
On the way back to the house we went into the drugstore and picked a few things up. I got more pasta sauce there!
I suggested on the way back to the house that we drop off the groceries and then go out for coffee but F was not into it. He basically suggested I was crazy for wanting to go out. It was annoying.
I put away the groceries and then I came upstairs. I did some crocheting and watched a lot of YouTube videos! I did both crochet and YouTube a lot today.
We went out to Cocos for dinner tonight and it was nice. F complained as usual that it was expensive, but it’s fairly decent I think. I tried to explain that I’ll lose my discount if we don’t go sometimes. I ordered one of the cheapest meals on the menu, F ordered a Japanese set meal that wasn’t cheap! We both had drink bar and shared an order of fries.
We came back to the house when we were finished and had a quiet evening in again. I did quite a bit of crochet tonight, somewhere about 4 rounds. I made some popcorn and then came back to the room and watched an episode of Shrinking which was excellent as usual.
And that was about that. F is still up. He’s claiming that his back hurts but he has to go to work tomorrow morning so I’m not sure why he’s still up.
I’ll be back tomorrow night, most likely! Come back and hear all about my day then. Until tomorrow….
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