Wednesday - Rainy, cold and cloudy
I woke up early this morning for the first time. F was leaning over the headboard of our bed looking for his glasses. He did find them, but I’m not sure where! I woke up next time before my alarm went off. I went downstairs and then came back to the room and slept on a bit. I watched a few videos on my phone and then went back to sleep for a bit.
I got up later and dressed, then I went downstairs to fill our kerosene tank upstairs. While I was doing that, I decided I’d check K’s tank and I filled it too for good measure. It was rather nice of me I thought! I took our tank upstairs and then I came back for my breakfast. I took it upstairs and ate it while I watched my usual YouTube and then the news.
I had a quiet afternoon. I did a load of laundry…my shirts…and then I grabbed my lunch and took it upstairs. I watched some of The Walking Dead and it was a good episode for the most part.
F phoned after he finished work and said he was on his way to the Mall. He was charged with picking up my shirt that I put in to be hemmed. Then he was supposed to go to the grocery store in the mall and pick up some tonkatsu for dinner. It should have been quite simple!
I went downstairs around 6pm to start dinner. I didn’t have to do a lot today because I was basically just reheating the curry. I started it early so I could do it low and slow. I got a call from F saying that he was delayed. Someone had blocked him in the parking lot. They’d just left their car in front of his. He even reported it to the mall and asked them to make an announcement in the store!
He phoned me about five minutes later to say that he was on his way again. When he arrived at the house he told me that he’d had a lot of “fun” at the grocery store. Someone had blocked him from the tonkatsu and then another person took the last one! He brought us some chicken cutlets instead!
Dinner when it happened was quite good. We had curry and rice again, with the chicken cutlets and salad. F and I had seconds of the curry and it was very nice today too.
I did the dishes after dinner and then I did up the garbage for taking out. I left it in the genkan. I told F that I was going upstairs and went. Upstairs, I sorted out my garbage and left the bag for F to put his stuff in later.
I had a quiet time for a while. I did watch a few videos on YouTube before going downstairs to take a shower. I came back upstairs when I was done.
Tonight I decided to watch an episode of Severance. It was really good…it’s always good. I’m enjoying this so much trying to figure out what is happening at Lumon! I did a few rows of my knitting while I was watching. I’m getting so low on yarn that I’m getting rather worried. I’m not sure what I’ll do if I don’t have enough!
And that’s about it for me. F went to bed around midnight, I should get there soon too.
Tomorrow I’ll try and do more laundry and then I’ll be cooking dinner later in the day.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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